Well, sILVER bELLE, you & I have been emailing back & forth. I am so sorry you are so lonely. If I lived near you, I would come visit you often. Once a friend of mine. always a friend. Take care, lovely Marianne. We all love you on 1funny.com
I would REALLY like to hear from yall….marianne39506@hot…..
I turned 60 in Dec. & EVERY ONE else here ARE in their 70’s to 90’s…since hurricane Katrina a few YEARS ago, this is NOT a happy place to be. People DIE here WEEKLY. Yall have NO idea what these YEARS have been like. I am a young widow & was 60 in December. Am VERY LONELY.
June 6, 2012 @ 7:55 am
It is good to hear from you Silverbelle. I think of you often. You didn’t answer my email but I sure hope you are doing better.
June 6, 2012 @ 1:27 am
Well, sILVER bELLE, you & I have been emailing back & forth. I am so sorry you are so lonely. If I lived near you, I would come visit you often. Once a friend of mine. always a friend. Take care, lovely Marianne. We all love you on 1funny.com
June 5, 2012 @ 10:09 pm
I would REALLY like to hear from yall….marianne39506@hot…..
I turned 60 in Dec. & EVERY ONE else here ARE in their 70’s to 90’s…since hurricane Katrina a few YEARS ago, this is NOT a happy place to be. People DIE here WEEKLY. Yall have NO idea what these YEARS have been like. I am a young widow & was 60 in December. Am VERY LONELY.