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  1. abbeygirl45
    January 1, 2012 @ 6:02 pm

    I so agree with craig!:) how CUTE!:)


  2. Debbie
    December 31, 2011 @ 7:06 am

    Wow. Whoever took these pictures of the rescue did a great job!!!
    Thanks for the photos.


  3. Miller
    December 31, 2011 @ 1:18 am

    I had a total knee replacement three years ago. Before I was admitted to a nursing home for rehabilitation, I bought a laptop. But after being admitted, I learned that I couldn’t use it for e-mail at the nursing home.
    My computer guru drove hours to take me to my local library to show me how to use it. My husband drove me one-and-a-half- hours round-trip for doctor’s appointments to deal with a stubborn infection. We always stopped to eat something at an Internet Cafe so I could use my laptop there before heading back to the nursing home.
    After six weeks of that, my insubordination [word choice] caused me to be released from the nursing home. I missed the rehabilitation services there, but I was glad for the greater freedom. My continuing infection was treated on an out-patient basis at our local hospital.

    More power to you, from a fellow believer in God, from someone also born in December, and who also used to live in Mississippi!


  4. Angel Aura
    December 30, 2011 @ 9:12 am

    God Bless you Silver Belle
    I belong to a game site where you can play free games & make friends
    It’ name is POGO.COM
    If I had your email address I can send you a free pass for pogo..
    you will love it & make many friends.

    waiting to hear from you.
    [email protected]
    bye bye for now.


    December 28, 2011 @ 12:17 am

    I would be happy to hear from any of u. This ‘assisted living’ deep in the heart of Dixie is a VERY SAD place to live. I have M-Sat alone in my room after 5:30 & Sundays after 7. Mother blocked my PC from Facebook. I am VERY lonely. God Bless yall each & every one. I am THE youngest here. My cat, btw, is alive & with my brother in Tx. *I am a new 60 (12/9/51)
    marianne-followed by my old zip code. 39506 Thank Yall MUCHLY. I may be blind in 1 eye, but I see with my heart.


  6. lin
    December 27, 2011 @ 10:43 pm

    God bless you Silver Belle.


    December 26, 2011 @ 6:52 pm

    My mother put me here so SHE dosen’t have to hear about my headaches. It was was an IDIOPATHIC BRAIN ANEURYSM. They are CONGENITEL. (misspelled, sorry) I was BORN with it in my ‘pointed little head’….(as she calls it. However, I have the Grace of God.


  8. Margaret
    December 26, 2011 @ 2:30 pm

    It looks like it was MAMA who actually went down. No surprise to me.
    Mama’s are good for that.


  9. Joy
    December 26, 2011 @ 2:37 am

    I’m sorry. The answer above is for Silver Belle.


  10. Joy
    December 26, 2011 @ 2:33 am

    I am sorry you have had such a rough time of it but you know what? God kept you alive for a reason, even if its living in assisted living. Keep your chin up. You should know that we all are your friends on here. God bless you!


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