HOW can I get a nice face? My nic is sILVER bELLE if that helps. I forgot to die when I had an idiopathic brain aneurysm. I have lost count of the hospitals…am now in an ‘assisted living’ in Mississippi (Am 58/THE next youngest person is in their 80’s,SERIOUSLY. (& THE ‘major’ activities are silly games. SERIOUSLY. Evenings on the PC are my sanity/reading/browsing…..
My son has called me ‘Tiger Mama’ since he was a tot. In 05 I survived an ‘idiopathic brain aneurysm’ ….. (*I RE-learned to walk…in my LATE 50’s…which took a LOT of “Gumption” ….) I’ve been in an ‘assissted living’ in Miss. since Katrina. I hope to move to Lubbock this next year.
December 25, 2011 @ 2:36 pm
silver belle, the voters r stoopid!
December 25, 2011 @ 2:35 pm
what is wrong with u voters? silver belle should have gotten some votes..
December 25, 2011 @ 1:02 am
I am ALSO a December ‘child’!!!!
December 25, 2011 @ 1:01 am
HOW can I get a nice face? My nic is sILVER bELLE if that helps. I forgot to die when I had an idiopathic brain aneurysm. I have lost count of the hospitals…am now in an ‘assisted living’ in Mississippi (Am 58/THE next youngest person is in their 80’s,SERIOUSLY. (& THE ‘major’ activities are silly games. SERIOUSLY. Evenings on the PC are my sanity/reading/browsing…..
December 25, 2011 @ 12:44 am
many of us should learn from dem animals
December 24, 2011 @ 10:42 pm
December 24, 2011 @ 9:20 pm
December 24, 2011 @ 5:05 pm
My son has called me ‘Tiger Mama’ since he was a tot. In 05 I survived an ‘idiopathic brain aneurysm’ ….. (*I RE-learned to walk…in my LATE 50’s…which took a LOT of “Gumption” ….) I’ve been in an ‘assissted living’ in Miss. since Katrina. I hope to move to Lubbock this next year.
December 24, 2011 @ 1:43 pm
This absolutely touched my heart in a way that I couldn’t believe possible. What a beautiful story.
December 24, 2011 @ 1:28 pm