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  1. Ruby
    April 23, 2012 @ 12:26 am

    More old posts …


  2. Tinoma
    April 13, 2012 @ 8:46 am

    @Carla I am in support of what everyone said, you should please do something now and be blessed….


  3. Lola
    April 12, 2012 @ 2:32 am

    Carla; In my one sentence I made a mistake, I meant to say: “do this before it’s too late OR you will regret this for the rest of your life.” Meaning if anything happens to the mother and dog, you know you could have done something, and you didn’t. Would you really be able to live with yourself? Don’t take anytime to think this out, just be courageous and make the call!


  4. Lola
    April 12, 2012 @ 2:27 am

    Carla please report this to the authorities immediately. Be a hero for both the mother and the dog. You will have saved two lives and all of us including the mother and dog will love you for the caring person that you appear to be. But show us all please that you really do care, and report this to the authorities. You can remain anonymous, no one would ever know, but please Carla, don’t wait another second to get on the phone are report the abuse. This woman and dog needs someone’s help, if I knew you and knew the people I would do it myself. If you’re afraid, let me know here, and I’ll give you my e-mail address and I’ll report it. Just tell me what City and State, and the name of the bastard that is doing this to his mother and dog. I’ll need an address and name, but I’m not afraid. I’m a former police officer and I still have contacts here…do this before its too late and you will regret it for the rest of your life.

    And Greg, what is your problem? What part of this story aren’t you getting? Maybe you’re the abuser?! Just want to know what the heck your problem is and the vulgarity used on this site by you.


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