One Smart Crow
Did you know that some species of crows are really smart? It’s hard to imagine that a crow’s small brain can solve complex puzzles. Watch this video of a crow that do just that. It’s incredible!
What did you think of the crow? Were you surprised at how intelligent it is? Please tell us in the comment section below.
February 11, 2015 @ 11:04 pm
When my brother & I were little, the neighborhood barber owned a crow. We lived a ways away & the crow would fly
over to our house & untied my brother shoes. Every time my brother would run to get in the house, sometimes he’d
make, he’d be crying before he came near. It was kinda sad & scary for a little kid….
But this video was a learning lesson. I didn’t know they could be trained that way or that they talk, that’s a first.
Thanks for the lesson.
March 7, 2014 @ 4:56 pm
I lived in Florida for 37 years. Over the years I ran into some crows that would steal the same object from our outside patio table – time after time – also they were good at stealing berries from the table when we would leave the table unattended.
Here in North Carolina – my current residence we have had four crows set up shop around our house in the last 5 months. I feed the squirrels and birds every afternoon and as soon as I walk outside with the peanuts and bird food one of the scout crows calls all the other ctows announcing the meal
March 7, 2014 @ 10:42 am
This is no surprise. We had a crow show up at our home and he stayed with us for about a week. Out of the clear blue, there he was. He loved bright shiney objects and one day took off with our mail and deposited it in our neighbor’s gutter as my son was getting it out of the mail box. It was as if he were a member of the family. My sons loved it!!! As fast as he showed up, he was gone. It always remained a memory with us and we wondered if, perhaps, it was a reincarnated member of our family.
March 6, 2014 @ 9:44 pm
I’m not surprised at the crow’s ability to learn to do this, but also don’t know what the stages were in its learning process. Was it simply presented with all of this setup at once, or did it have previous and perhaps sequential exposure to the properties of the objects [e.g., the weight of the heavy cubes]? Corvids are probably the brightest of birds, and I am a person of faith, but don’t think this tells us much about Elohim*, one way or another. [*The first name for God in Gen.1:1-2:4a, in the first but newer creation story; the second story, Gen.2:4b-2:25, where the Lord God is Yahweh, is probably a few hundred years older.]
January 9, 2017 @ 2:59 am
Mmmmmm looks so good. I love Coihtnica Pibil. Annato seeds add such nice color to dishes and I always find them in random shops when I’m not looking for it, but then when I need it, I can’t find it. I’ll just have to pick up a bag the next time I see them.
February 27, 2014 @ 11:15 am
every animal understands far more than any human gives them credit for. as a species, humans display the least amount of understanding.
February 26, 2014 @ 11:54 am
February 25, 2014 @ 6:58 pm
A friend of my father’s had a crow in in the 1950’s and ’60’s that talked as good a a human. I would sit with visitors and talk as if it was part of the crowd!!! My husband decided he wanted one also so, they caught a crow and trained it to talk also. They would fly any where they wanted to and come back home just like someone going to work and coming home. The crow of the family friend died of old age but ours was stolen. CROWS are very “SMART BIRDS”.
February 24, 2014 @ 1:51 pm
Wow, this is very impressive. Birds are very smart and according to the Bible they were also, used as messengers. God’s animals were wonderfully created. Great learning video about birds. It is amazing watching animals and I’m a huge fan of the animal planet that comes on tv!
February 24, 2014 @ 1:12 pm
I’m speechless.
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