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    June 24, 2021 @ 3:44 pm

    So one day, I was next door at a commercial business sitting on a empty hay wagon drinking a beer with another unopened in my other hand and this car came screaming onto the parking lot and this the driver got out and tried to chase and catch his runaway German Shepard- the dog was about 500 feet away on a 30 foot high ledge. The guy said he’s been trying to catch his dog and he was getting frustrated the dog would not come to him – I did not say a word but I dropped of that hay wagon with a beer in each hand and started to ‘whimper’ nice and loud. that dog ran down to me and started to lick my face and I swung my arm around that dogs neck- the owner was so startled he did not know what to do so I yelled “grab him”. The owner got him into his truck and locked the dog in – then asked “how the heck did you do that’?
    I told him that dogs are pack animals and will come to the aid of any of his pack hurt and in trouble.
    try it with your dogs – let them get a little ways away and fall to the ground whimpering and see how fast he/she comes to your aid –
    P.S. never even spilled any of my beer


  2. Linda
    June 24, 2021 @ 2:36 pm

    Loved this, we had a Great-Pyrenees, way back many years ago on a ranch. They are such fun and beautiful animals. They can run almost as fast as we could drive on our lane. Bless the people that resucued Miles. They are truly dedicated. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Penny
    June 24, 2021 @ 12:11 pm

    Happy tissue time! Thanks for sharing.


  4. Michelle
    June 24, 2021 @ 12:06 pm

    What a great and empathetic lady. That poor dog being out in that heat with a double coat would make me crazy. I know it can help keep the heat out as well but still it would be hell. I hope he was adopted by a home that could give him everything he needed because after a year of being on the streets he deserves it. Thank you to all of you that rescued Miles. You’re wonderful people.


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