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  1. Lola
    February 17, 2013 @ 1:46 pm

    This note isn’t related to this video. Just to let you all know I have returned from the hospital after having two knee replacements on January 3rd, 2013 and returned home on January 28th, 2013. I still have nurses, therapists, and caregivers here taking care both me and my animals. I didn’t see my animals for several weeks once I came home due to a possible infection which none of us were willing to take a chance. Still have pain, not as severe, but learning to walk all over again, learning to become independent again is a chore for me. I wish to thank all of you for your prayers, gifts once I arrived home, cards, and phone calls to those of you that I have made friends with on here. Please keep those prayers coming. I understand that I won’t be able to drive for about six or eight weeks. Sitting for ten minutes in a chair is painful, so I’m getting off here now. The caregiver and I found that out the hard way about a week ago. In any case, I’m happy to be home, and I’ll try to come back on and write more comments on these great video’s. Presently there are 1, 697 unread e-mails for me. Whew…I’ll get rid of junk mail first. Many thanks again for all your support.



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