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  1. Marcie Thompson
    August 27, 2020 @ 4:26 pm

    The hummingbirds give me such joy!! What a blessing from our Creator!!!


  2. Sheri L. Williamson
    August 12, 2020 @ 1:56 pm

    This bird is not well. Normal, healthy hummingbirds enter the torpor state in a protected roost site, not at a food source, and we see situations like this most often with young and/or migrating hummingbirds (this is an adult male Anna’s). The fact that it was able to rouse itself, drink, and fly off may be a good sign, but head injuries from colliding with windows and various diseases can weaken a hummingbird and prevent it from taking in sufficient energy to stay alive even if the injury/disease itself isn’t fatal.


  3. Russ Leech
    August 8, 2020 @ 10:00 pm

    I too had a hummer moment that most folks have never witnessed. Waiting in the car for a member of our car pool, my friends and I saw something shimmering at a tree nearby. We walked over to take a look and found a small bushy tree about ten feet in diameter completely surrounded with hundreds of hummers with their wings shimmering in the early morning sunlight. The tree was barren of leaves so we surmised the birds were after an insect hatch. We watched for about five minutes before we left for work. Some birder folks I know told me they had never heard of such a sighting so we felt quite honoured to have been witness to this phenomenon.


  4. Bill from Oregon
    August 2, 2020 @ 5:51 pm

    Bill. Ours never get a chance to sleep we have two feeders and two pairs of Anna’s humming birds both claiming the whole deckand chasing the other off as s oon as they arrive.


  5. Darlene Clark
    August 1, 2020 @ 1:32 pm

    Hummingbirds are my favorite !!
    Once,while in my bathroom,I heard what sounded like birds making a lot of noise.
    When I.looked out my window,two little hummers were fighting over “their” special spot!!


  6. Theresa
    June 30, 2020 @ 6:42 pm

    What a lovely film. Thank you so much.


  7. Mack Kelly
    June 29, 2020 @ 7:35 pm

    That was fantastic filming. We get a LOT of hummingbirds at our place. I think they are fascinating because of the way they ‘flash’ their colourful neck feathers. The way they zip around SO fast and effortlessly and the way they can hover. Amazing little superpower packets of energy! I have heard about the torpor state they go into when sleeping (thank goodness) but have never witnessed it. And now I have. So thank you.


  8. Mary Fleming
    June 27, 2020 @ 12:43 am

    Very interesting! Thank you for sharing. Few people get to see this or know all about it.


  9. MG
    June 26, 2020 @ 9:58 pm

    Very cool video! Thanks for sharing.


  10. Marlys Klingbeil
    June 26, 2020 @ 9:53 pm

    Love them. Had them in Calif. enjoyed feeding and watching them. My daughter Debbie in Colorado has a lot of them. I don’t think either of us ever saw one upside down. I know I never did. Such pretty little birds.


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