I don’t think they will treat him like royalty that he think he is!hhhaahhhah!funny name!hope they hv beauty salons in jail for that hair for his heighness-not his best picture ATT ALL!hhhahahahah!
Did they have a special parade for him? Or did they just throw away the key to the jail cell AND the one to the city? At least he could’ve given a “small ” smile to his devoted DRUGGIE fans 🙂
September 14, 2012 @ 2:38 am
Cute hair style, bet he scared everyone who ran into him at night.
November 22, 2010 @ 11:59 am
…I wonder if he isn’t into trouble and/or drugs because of that stupid name…
…I would even venture a guess… that’s where he 1st learned about drugs…
November 21, 2010 @ 3:08 pm
I don’t think they will treat him like royalty that he think he is!hhhaahhhah!funny name!hope they hv beauty salons in jail for that hair for his heighness-not his best picture ATT ALL!hhhahahahah!
November 21, 2010 @ 12:44 pm
Yourhighness has been impeached, for life I hope. LOL
November 21, 2010 @ 10:36 am
Did they have a special parade for him? Or did they just throw away the key to the jail cell AND the one to the city? At least he could’ve given a “small ” smile to his devoted DRUGGIE fans 🙂