They were all great, but the poodles cracked me up the most! When their “person” asked who did it, the two both turned and pointed at the guilty party, who slinked away after they told on him!
Guilty dogs DO know how to try to make you love them all the more, even if they are guilty as sin!! The smiling ones took my heart! 🙂
March 7, 2013 @ 10:43 am
Dogs do not feel guilt! That look is fear.
March 6, 2013 @ 4:29 pm
Too cute,you can always figure out the guilty one 🙂
March 2, 2013 @ 8:49 pm
They were all great, but the poodles cracked me up the most! When their “person” asked who did it, the two both turned and pointed at the guilty party, who slinked away after they told on him!
Guilty dogs DO know how to try to make you love them all the more, even if they are guilty as sin!! The smiling ones took my heart! 🙂
February 28, 2013 @ 3:08 pm
These dogs are absolutely adorable. I never smiled so big as I did watching this video. Sweet, sweet dogs. They can do no wrong.