I don’t think it means to suffer in the way it is put. When you don’t put God first like you should and put yourself secound then your marrage will suffer. But one needs a laugh now and then.
this is so not true. i’m married and i must confess is the best thing that has ever happened to me, i dnt see or forsee any suffering. i believe marriage is wot u prepare for that comes to u. with God as ur foundation in marriage u will always scale throu those odd times feeling beta with each other and more in luv
@ FRANKIEPOO marriage is a good thing even the bible says he dat finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtain favour of the Lord. I really do not believe the last circle that marriage is a suffering. God did not make it so, but we must own up that there are challenges reason being that we all come from different backgrounds. And there are still people who are experiencing bliss in their marriages, i think its all boils down to understanding and appreciating each other. But most importantly having God at the center of it and the preserver of such marriage makes all the difference!
Yes it is only a joke but I agree with Bibe and Ariel it is only selfishness on the part of the couple that will make marriage a suffering and we should not forget that sometimes one will be a fool for the other so that such marriage will be blissful….. stop complaining….. believe in God……
June 19, 2009 @ 12:56 pm
I totally agree with you. God should come first in anyone’s life, and then marriage….
June 19, 2009 @ 12:55 pm
Life and marriage is what a couple makes of it. Everyone needs a laugh sometime or another. Its just a joke… i rated it a 10.
June 19, 2009 @ 11:25 am
I don’t think it means to suffer in the way it is put. When you don’t put God first like you should and put yourself secound then your marrage will suffer. But one needs a laugh now and then.
June 19, 2009 @ 11:23 am
this is so not true. i’m married and i must confess is the best thing that has ever happened to me, i dnt see or forsee any suffering. i believe marriage is wot u prepare for that comes to u. with God as ur foundation in marriage u will always scale throu those odd times feeling beta with each other and more in luv
June 19, 2009 @ 7:53 am
This is sometimes not true. Some marriages are so sweet more than even dating.
June 19, 2009 @ 7:53 am
Well it depends on what the two have turned their marrige to be joy or suferring.
June 19, 2009 @ 7:35 am
@ FRANKIEPOO marriage is a good thing even the bible says he dat finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtain favour of the Lord. I really do not believe the last circle that marriage is a suffering. God did not make it so, but we must own up that there are challenges reason being that we all come from different backgrounds. And there are still people who are experiencing bliss in their marriages, i think its all boils down to understanding and appreciating each other. But most importantly having God at the center of it and the preserver of such marriage makes all the difference!
June 19, 2009 @ 7:28 am
yeah… 10/10 funny but people take it a bit too srsly
June 19, 2009 @ 7:21 am
Yes it is only a joke but I agree with Bibe and Ariel it is only selfishness on the part of the couple that will make marriage a suffering and we should not forget that sometimes one will be a fool for the other so that such marriage will be blissful….. stop complaining….. believe in God……
June 19, 2009 @ 5:24 am
maybe for now, one day you will get married, except you want to make yourself an eunuch, yahooooo!!!