I dont believe sufffering is third ring in marriage. i no is a joke, but some people still believe that there is no marriage that is not suffering in a lie. My marriage is not suffering o, in Jesus name. marriage is a thing of joy.
marrage is the swetest thing that hav=s ever happen.if one can sometimes desagree with his parents and relatives why not a husband or wife you met as grow ups.get really people.or depends on the fondation how did you meet?if the fondation is not strong surely the house will colapse with just a little wind.those who are happy they are single they are missing alot.they should take time and find the right person
February 19, 2010 @ 5:19 am
I dont believe sufffering is third ring in marriage. i no is a joke, but some people still believe that there is no marriage that is not suffering in a lie. My marriage is not suffering o, in Jesus name. marriage is a thing of joy.
UN:F [1.8.2_1042]
June 29, 2009 @ 12:49 am
marrage is the swetest thing that hav=s ever happen.if one can sometimes desagree with his parents and relatives why not a husband or wife you met as grow ups.get really people.or depends on the fondation how did you meet?if the fondation is not strong surely the house will colapse with just a little wind.those who are happy they are single they are missing alot.they should take time and find the right person