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  1. Patti Schaeffer
    March 30, 2023 @ 6:38 pm

    I have a 17 yr old Chihuahua funny story my brother emailed me a picture of a Chihuahua and I fell in love with her she was rescued from a puppy mill anyway I emailed the lady who had her to see if I could adopt her and she told me that a family was coming to visit her and if they didn’t take her I would be next to adopt her and I sat at my computer all day waiting well at 2pm I emailed her and she told me the family took her and then I found out my brother and his daughter adopted her and I said so you were the family and we laughed well my niece got married and had kids and Daisy attached to me and she was 4 years old when they got her she’s now 17 years old and still does her zoomies pretty much every other night she’s blind in one eye and she’s a little deaf but I love ?? her and I’ll be heartbroken ? if she passes away I hope she feels like she had a great life with us
    Thank you so very much for sharing Tina’s story she is so darn adorable ? ?


  2. Rayann
    June 6, 2022 @ 2:40 pm

    I’ve “owned” Chihuahuas for years. You don’t own a Chi- they own you! Tina’s just a typical well loved Chihuahua. You’re both so lucky to have each other and I wish you many happy years together. Chihuahuas are special little dogs???


  3. jackie bond
    June 6, 2022 @ 9:53 am

    Just when you each needed the other in life, Providence stepped in and here you two are. Amazingly happy and loving. God Bless.


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