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  1. Sheila G.
    February 4, 2022 @ 3:52 pm

    Hey Derek R—– It’s” great “grand kids the other grate is usually something made out of metal Like a cattle crossing or a sewage grate!!!!! Not to many folk make it to see 5 generations that’s fantastic.


  2. Derek R
    November 30, 2020 @ 3:36 pm

    Just how I remember American humour. (Yes, I am from ENGLAND)
    I spent just over a year in the USAF learning to fly, and how funny it was ! And I spent another 29 years flying
    4 engine aircraft including of course, the Boeing 747.
    I’m now 87 and enjoying doing nothing apart from looking after my family of 4 children, 6 grand children,
    8 grate grand children and lately one grate grate grand son.


  3. Ritala
    July 29, 2020 @ 7:33 am

    He was great but reading all the comments were even better. Do you remember going down the slide with wax paper on our bottom to go even faster? So sad how the government has taken over our lives these days.


    • Betsee
      November 6, 2020 @ 8:41 am

      I loved this! We had a whirlygig along with the slide and swing set in our yard. The whirlygig spunk you around as fast as you could push and pull and pump your feet. Believe when I tell you it could really go fast. Every kid in the neighborhood loved it and no one was ever hurt on it. Today this would not even be sold in a store. I feel bad about the real fun the young people are missing.


  4. Malto
    June 15, 2020 @ 10:25 pm

    Does anybody remember playing “Kick the Can”? The greatest game of all time, especially when the sun started to set into the evening sky!


    • Jere
      July 24, 2020 @ 9:11 am

      Story of my life exactly.


  5. Mike L
    May 16, 2020 @ 3:54 pm

    Absolutely true to life for those of us lucky enough to have enjoyed the unharnessed safety encapsulated life of the tru to life video game version.


  6. Mary Jane Puleo
    May 4, 2020 @ 2:16 pm



  7. Mary Jane Puleo
    May 4, 2020 @ 2:07 pm

    Very funny, but so true. Bring back those good old days!!! We were out there playing all kinds of games that didn’t cost anything. Today, the kids don’t know what it is like to be playing outside because all they do is push buttons on their phones!


    • Kit
      May 16, 2024 @ 9:34 pm

      I loved the old days but criticizing the young ones for the use of their phones troubles me. They CANNOT play outside like we used to. Their best friends live 8 or 10 miles away. A child can be kidnapped from their own front yard!!!! It happened. We were the very lucky ones to grow up when we did.


  8. george
    April 24, 2020 @ 10:23 am

    the good old days were great , great vidieos


  9. Dorothe Collings Aril 17th
    April 17, 2020 @ 4:57 pm

    Dorothe April 17
    I am sure i learned more from my mistakes than from the things i did right===accidentally…..


  10. Mary dotson
    March 27, 2020 @ 1:58 pm

    Living in the beautiful Blur Ridge
    Mountains, of southwest Virginia
    On a farm, my children and grand
    Daughters have enjoyed the outdoors
    All their lives. Oh yes we all do use all those electronics, but the tadpoles
    And creek were more fun. Or climbing trees, sidewalk hopscotch,
    Helping in the garden, veggie and
    Flower, playing on the water slide with an ice cold water hose, liked to play
    In the sand box, later helped turn into
    Fish pond. One Even caught small fish with
    Her bare hands to bring to stock pond. Friend donated her gold fish.
    BUT THE Real BIGGIE, horses. Love to
    Ride and train their horses. Yes, they
    Mow, rake, bale and pack wagon with
    Bales headed for barn, they unload
    Store and then feed it thru winter. That
    Means mucking stalls, building fence
    And working cattle also on farm.
    The grand daughters are all college
    Girls, oldest just finished her masters
    In Bus Adm.. Other two are working and in college. Today with their Mother they are moving a trailer load
    Of hay to their barn, with plans to ride
    And train horses the rest of the day.
    Oh by the way, they are all 10s on looks rating scale.
    Rating scale


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