where shall i attack first that pretty little tail looks enticing
or maybe those cute little puppy dog ears…gotta look out for that tongue though its likely to try and lick me to death…..
I know that pussy cat is around here somewhere sniff sniff sniff!!!!!
i can smell the odor of the can of Uncle Dean’s gourmet fish platter he had for breakfast……hmmmm if a cat smells so tasty does that mean i can eat it….OOOOOOhh… there you are KKKKattt… please tell me you can’t read minds…i really wasn’t going to eat You……
out of my way pip squeak before i shred you to pieces and have you for my dinner…..OMG lookout here comes the tongue not the tongue…lick lick lick….. stop!!!! not the tongue…..
April 1, 2010 @ 5:51 pm
awww…the lil’ doggie’s so qute.
March 31, 2010 @ 10:03 am
u have a lot of time to spare
March 29, 2010 @ 11:37 pm
where shall i attack first that pretty little tail looks enticing
or maybe those cute little puppy dog ears…gotta look out for that tongue though its likely to try and lick me to death…..
I know that pussy cat is around here somewhere sniff sniff sniff!!!!!
i can smell the odor of the can of Uncle Dean’s gourmet fish platter he had for breakfast……hmmmm if a cat smells so tasty does that mean i can eat it….OOOOOOhh… there you are KKKKattt… please tell me you can’t read minds…i really wasn’t going to eat You……
out of my way pip squeak before i shred you to pieces and have you for my dinner…..OMG lookout here comes the tongue not the tongue…lick lick lick….. stop!!!! not the tongue…..