Sheep and the City: Nashville’s Urban Shepherd
Zach Richardson’s landscaping company isn’t your average group of grass cutters. His team, the Nashville Chew Crew, is made up of 60 sheep and his border collie, Duggie. Richardson takes his group around Nashville, Tennessee, to help control invasive species and overgrown areas around town. Call it green landscaping or smart pest control. Just don’t call it sheepish. What did you think of Zach and his sheep landscaping business? Please let us know in the comment section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
September 27, 2016 @ 4:11 am
I admire what you’re doing with your herd of sheep! Way, To. Go.
September 26, 2016 @ 4:01 am
These sheep are amazing and don’t leave any weeds behind.
September 25, 2016 @ 9:06 pm
This video is Psalm 23
September 25, 2016 @ 5:07 pm
That is amazing and the best way to do that. Very true, every animal has a purpose here on earth. Sheep are amazing animals.