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  1. steve
    February 15, 2010 @ 12:41 pm

    Sea gulls loves ice cream too..
    Nothing funny..


    • Juancarlos
      October 14, 2015 @ 7:23 am

      Se sei un uomo, ? considerato riesottpso per mettere su una kippah quando si partecipa a un servizio di sinagoga, che tu sia ebreo o no, ma mentre non ? vietato per una donna di indossare una kippah, ? anche non necessaria. Detto questo, sempre pi? spesso, in riformata, conservatore egualitaria e Reconstructionist ebraismo, le donne hanno iniziato a indossare Kippahs. Fortunatamente ora ci sono molte belle Kippahs femminili disponibili sul mercato ebreo per le donne .. Il linfoma ? un tipo di cancro che coinvolge alcune cellule del sistema immunitario, che sono chiamati linfociti. Il sistema linfatico, essendo parte del sistema immunitario, controlla il flusso della linfa che attacca patogeni e li distrugge. Linfa viaggia attraverso i linfonodi, noto anche come ghiandole linfatiche, e altre parti del sistema linfatico, come le tonsille, midollo osseo, milza e timo ..Alcuni Produttori di inchiostri SI Fanno le bottiglie di inchiostro pi grandi, in Modo Che il prezzo per unit? diminuisce. This in realt l’Unico Modo per ottenere Una qualit Accettabile per ONU prezzo decente. Tuttavia, l’Una Stampante a getto d’inchiostro a Buon Mercato Fotografico non costruito per supportare la stampa intensiva, quindi se per QUESTO il Che SI compra Quei Grandi bottiglie d’inchiostro, poi Essere pronti a sostituire la Stampante foto OGNI 3 Mesi anzich OGNI dovuta Anni. Per Capire persico l’insulina Importante, AIUTA un Sapere di pi do vieni Il Corpo utilizza il cibo LA PER PRODURRE energia. Tuo Corpo costituito da Milioni di cellule. Per rendere Energia, QUESTE cellule Hanno Bisogno di Cibo in Una forma Molto Semplice.


  2. Joey
    October 26, 2009 @ 8:31 am

    Let God sort out all who would do anything to one of His living creatures..human or animal. He will repay what is due them, you don’t have to worry about that!!!!!


    • Karan
      October 14, 2015 @ 7:17 am

      16dI was just looking for this infrmoation for a while. After 6 hours of continuous Googleing, at last I got it in your web site. I wonder what is the lack of Google strategy that do not rank this type of informative web sites in top of the list. Normally the top sites are full of garbage.


  3. meza
    October 26, 2009 @ 7:10 am

    Maybe some people do not mean to be so cruel and curiosity gets the better of them…. but this does not mean that they are guilt free. The people that post these things on how to do this and that are just as guilty and more so …. because they know others, who they can dare or bully, lead away from right or wrong by saying it would be “cool or fun” can be cajoled into all sorts of things in life from being cruel to animals, sneaking out behind their Parents back and stealing, smoking, taking and use of drugs and alcohol. All in the name of Being Cool or Chilling out… Age is an amazing thing its what happens when your not watching and “that day will come” and cool will be a weather report!!! not a state or a chemically induced rush while the brain was too blurred to know the difference………


  4. denversong
    October 26, 2009 @ 3:08 am

    julipoo46, not to make you mad, but everytime someone advertises how to do it, someone has to try it. Please, they may be just sea gulls to some people, but there’s no reason why they should have to suffer at the hands of malicious people who heard ideas about how to hurt them.


  5. julipoo46
    October 25, 2009 @ 11:28 pm

    mich she probably did react she just put some alka-seltzer on now she just has to wait for his reaction death in about one minute you see they cannot let off (gas) so they explode i’ve seen it one day at the beach some kids were throwing alka seltzers to them and than laughed when they exploded i did get very angry


  6. mich e g
    October 25, 2009 @ 10:50 pm

    why is she NOT reacting to the seagull???


  7. Jean
    October 25, 2009 @ 8:51 pm

    What does? The ice cream or the bird? LOL


  8. Kittyluvr
    October 25, 2009 @ 4:09 pm

    Delicious and nutrisious, tastes like chicken mixed with beef.


    • Angelica
      October 14, 2015 @ 7:28 am

      I loved this episode. I have a few qsnituoes and I hope someone is willing to take a guess. Where did Pinocchio go? Why didn’t Jackson go looking for his daughter. Now that everyone knows who they are, wouldn’t she be looking for him? If you cross the line then you forget your FTL character and only remember your SB character, but Rumple has always known and remembers his FTL. Doesn’t that mean he has only one character? Would he really lose his FTL memories? Why hasn’t Grumpy found his fairy? Where was she? If henry has the book can’t he fill people in on what is going on or will happen? That book seems to be an underutilized resource.


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