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  1. Lola
    May 21, 2013 @ 8:38 am

    To Mary Bare: What this guy was saying and that you missed was: 1) “Oh sh*t, oh hell….ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I will never do this again.” When in fact they stopped the ride to allow him to get off. His wife said: “Are you getting off, because we’re going up again?” but he said “No, that’s fine, is it going to be faster?”…IDIOT. HE HAD THE CHANCE TO GET OFF AND DIDN’T

    2)”I’m going to be sick”….”I mean, I’m really gong to be sick.”

    3) “Why am I doing this? Oh God, why am I doing this?”

    4) “Never again Tracy Elizabeth, oh my GOD!!!”

    5) “Why is this so hard?”

    They’re the statements that you missed Mary Bare.

    To Lynn: If he continues riding these type of rides, he won’t be around for his grand-daughter. This was his daughter that he was riding this horrendous ride with. He will spend lavishly on his daughter’s wedding, I just hope that she looks back on “these quality time” moments and appreciates later in life what sacrifices her dad made to make her happy.

    I rode these stupid rides and did stupid things with my son all the time when he was younger, and did things that were adventurous to him, frightening to me…he’s almost 23 years old now and recently we had a big blow up and hurt me deeply by saying to me, his mother: “we are nothing to each other, you don’t love me, you are just a horrible mother.” I wish he would have hit me instead of me having those words etched in my heart, mind and soul. When I look back and think of all the times that I didn’t go to parties, or go out with friends, or do anything for myself, it was all about him, it just hurts so bad.

    So, in the heat of the moment, I said: “Do you remember the times that we went to the amusement parks and all the fun things that we did together, everyday of your first 18 years of life? Do you remember each and every party that I gave to you and your friends over the years? Do you remember the BBQ’s we had almost every night, and you didn’t know, ever know just how tight money was?? That I was holding down three jobs to make ends meet?” He looked at me…long pregnant pause and quietly said.,.’yeah, I remember” and walked out.

    So I do hope that this girl looks back on these moments with her dad and thanks him for all he did for her in her growing up years. How soon they forget what their parents did for them as a child and show lack of appreciation. You think I’m kidding…I’ll close out my thoughts with this…This past Mother’s Day, my son and his girlfriend were coming over at 3:00 – 3:30 p,m. for a bbq, then we were to go mini-golfing. I was so looking forward to this, as, I had two knee replacements on January 3, 2013 spent a month in ICU, and in isolation, whereas he never called, text or visited me…I was in critical condition and excruciating pain, and very much alone. After a month of that came home still in pain, still difficulty in walking, still in isolation for the months of February and March..I finally know what “cabin fever” means!!! April came and went with nurses, physical therapists and care-givers at the house 3 days a week. No visitors due to the concern about getting any infection from anyone and being bed-ridden. With great determination, I got myself out of that damn bed, and told my son that I was going to be walking/driving by Mother’s Day. And I worked on my therapy and worked hard!! The day before Mother’s Day, I got my hair done, manicure, pedicure, massage, and felt like a million bucks. It was my first day out without a cane, my fifth time of the many months of not driving, driving on my own. A dream/goal coming true. I left the store with no medication and decided to treat myself to a nice lunch. That’s the last thing I remember of that day, because when I left the store I had a blackout in the parking lot, when I came to, police, fire, rescue, paramedics, management, and strangers were all over me. I don’t recollect anything beyond that. In any case, on Mother’s Day, my son and his girlfriend didn’t come at 3;00-3:30p.m., nor call, nothing. And I slept all day long…better than being depressed. Finally they showed up at 8:30 p.m. ready to bbq..but they had to go food shopping. Hovering over me with flowers from his girlfriend’s yard, my son said: “Mom, what would you like me to bbq for Mother’s Day?” When I told him, he was still standing there with her…have you guessed what is coming up in my next sentence???? Well if you haven’t, they were waiting for me to give them the money to get the food for the bbq. I paid out $30.00 for that bbq for my own Mother’s Day gift…he said, well, mom geez, I’m doing the cooking. Oh please, give me a break he and his girlfriend, threw hamburgers and chicken on the grill and ‘BOB EVANS MASHED POTATOES’ in the microwave. I had to buy the ice tea mix…too bad I didn’t get myself a Mother’s Day cake and card in the process.

    To add insult to injury, the next day was the girlfriend’s father’s birthday…and he took them out for lunch and paid for it. Trust me these two are working with good jobs and make good money. But they couldn’t afford a cake or anything for the father. So I suggested a bbq here at the house, you think I would have learned my lesson from the day before..,you guessed it $78.00 later, he had a lavish bbq, with a beautiful cake and I only met the father twice. Then he ate and left.

    And that my dear readers is why I hate ALL HOLIDAYS!!! Either just another day of work for me, or, I end up paying for everything.

    Have a beautiful day everyone!! Sorry to go on a tangent, but I really do hope that this little girl and children everywhere love and appreciate their parents, and thank them for the sacrifices they make for them.


  2. Bev
    July 6, 2012 @ 5:57 pm

    Well, I would not get on something like this for anyone. Poor guy.


  3. mary bare
    July 2, 2012 @ 5:05 pm

    maybe she begged him to go with her..u know how persistant kids are..


  4. Ruby
    July 2, 2012 @ 11:38 am

    I wondered the same thing, mr.


  5. mrshowscan
    July 2, 2012 @ 11:23 am

    @Lynn; why his granddaughter?


  6. mary bare
    June 30, 2012 @ 7:10 pm



  7. Ruby
    June 30, 2012 @ 4:57 pm

    This guy is a better sport than I would have been.


  8. mrshowscan
    June 30, 2012 @ 3:27 pm

    My heart goes out to this guy. I predict he will spend laviously on his daughter’s wedding.


    • Lynn
      July 1, 2012 @ 4:30 pm



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