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  1. Louise Anderson
    February 25, 2016 @ 11:00 pm

    Of course the robots will take over the world. Why wouldn’t they when people like you can’t even spell ROBOTS?


  2. Love
    February 25, 2016 @ 8:24 pm

    Amazing! That is amazing how good balance the robots have when walking and etc. Good post above and I agree.


  3. Rosemary stringer
    February 25, 2016 @ 3:50 pm

    The created is always dispensable, but , please, please, please, do not give those robots access to guns.


  4. Jim
    February 25, 2016 @ 10:19 am

    That is one the most DANGEROUS things I’ve ever seen!!!!! Creepy is an understatement. First, those roberts will take away our jobs. Next, they will take away our world. Then humanity will become a thing of the past. Roberts with advanced AI will rule the world!!!!! They will be smarter then us, faster, stronger and more intelligent. They will view us as a blight on the world using up valuable none-renewable resources. Then they will make a judgement that we must be curtailed just as we would curtail any blight or fungus. We will be viewed as a “FUNGUS” that must be ELIMINATED!!! Humanity will become……EXPENDABLE!!!! And thus we will be “ERADICATED” by them just as we would eradicate any harmful bacteria or virus that we deemed harmful or detrimental to our well being. They will ultimately become self aware bordering on being (if not totally) sentient. They will have a self replicating and a self preserving drive and initiative. This is only one of the many “Dooms-Day” initiatives being perpetuated upon mankind by his own hand without thinking of the long range ramifications and consequences of his current actions. The only underling thought is: “How much money can I make from this?”…….With no thought what so ever about how his actions today will affect his world tomorrow. God help us all. We are our own worse enemy. When we finally see the error of our ways……IT WILL BE TOO LATE!!! The damage will have been done and there will be no recovery because the entity that we created will have exceeded the creators.


  5. Bill Moore
    February 25, 2016 @ 9:59 am


    Bill Moore


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