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  1. Joyce
    December 26, 2012 @ 8:40 pm

    Liz, I agree with you 100%. I know someone whose cat had kidney cancer and just kept holding on instead of have it euthanized. It finally got so bad that I thought it was torture and told them so. She finally decided to let the vet take over. The cat was 19 years old,very smart and acted human. Sometimes, we just forget that animals aren’t human because of their super-intelligence.


  2. Liz
    December 26, 2012 @ 5:40 pm

    With all the back trouble we humans endure from walking upright, why would someone want their dog to walk on two legs, just for an ego trip? It’s not only hard on his back, which was meant to be horizontal, but totally unnatural for his hips. Human ego’s vs. pet health should never happen. My next door neighbor made the cat she “supposedly loved”, starve to death, because of the huge cancerous tumor in his mouth, he could neither eat, nor drink, all because I offered to lend her the money to put him out of his misery, months before he finally died. She would not do the humane thing, and instead made him suffer to PROVE I COULDN’T “CONTROL” HER LIFE. I even took him to the county pound, as a stray, so they would put him out of his misery, but I didn’t know he was microchipped, so they called her, and she came down, refused to put him down, which they would have done for less than 1/2 what the vet wanted, but she brought him home to finally leave his ravaged body a couple of days later. The vet’s at the pound were furious at her reaction, but I’m quite surprised they didn’t bust her for animal cruelty, which IT WAS. Ego’s and pet responsibility are NOT compatible.


  3. Jean H
    December 26, 2012 @ 3:36 pm

    This is indeed amazing but I wonder if it affects the little dogs spine in some way. I surely hope not because he is precious.


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