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  1. pat johnson
    October 16, 2012 @ 6:39 am

    Southerners have been laughing at dumb yankees for decades!! This nasal-voiced woman is typical! It would’ve been a mercy for the announcer to have gently explained the situation to her.


    • Randy G
      October 22, 2012 @ 11:06 am

      With all the people moving from place ot place, who knows where she was from? The funny farm,maybe?


  2. mary bare
    October 15, 2012 @ 3:10 pm

    i just dont see someone being that ni-eve does she really think deer can read? laffin my big boo-tay oooooooooooooffff!!!


  3. Lola
    October 15, 2012 @ 8:29 am

    Debbie: Believe it or not there are people that dumb. You would be amazed at what I heard, learned and experienced while on the police force. I couldn’t believe my ears half the time….and trust me the people that said these they weren’t drinking or on any drugs. That’s exactly how they thought about things. Oh sure my comrades and I got a chuckle out of it, but it never went on the air. I’m dubious hat the commentators on the show set this up. It was a talk show on the radio, and trust me, I’ve heard some wild ones even on the talk shows, and thought, oh this can’t be for real. When God made the mold, I hope he threw the rest of the mold out. People are unbelievable sometimes in their thinking. Might have fallen on their head sometime in their life.


  4. Debbie
    October 15, 2012 @ 5:33 am

    OMG!! This woman is hilarious!!! This had to be a setup by the station. No one is that dumb!!!


  5. Lola
    October 15, 2012 @ 1:27 am

    What was this woman smoking? For real, does she really think that the deer can read “deer crossing signs?” And to put the signs in a school zone?” I sat back and listened to this conversation….and trust me if she was paying attention to the sign, slow her driving down, maybe three deer wouldn’t have hit her three cars. Well maybe no one else will say it on here, but I will. What a nut job!!!! She needs to be educated beyond grade school. What the heck is wrong with this woman. However, I do have a suggestion since I do live in a rural area…we have huge fences for our deer so they don’t cross the street, highways etc. But really lady what are you smoking or what are you on? I can’t believe that you are really that stupid. But what I can believe is the fact that no one is going to listen to her complaints, they’ll see her as I see her but only have the courage to say it…you lady need some professional help!!!! The deer are much smarter than you. And insofar as the commentators on this show are concerned you should have spoken up and not let her ramble on and let hr think that you really cared. Otherwise maybe you should look for another line of work as well. You’re just as bad as she is…whew, what a bunch of yutzes!


  6. mary bare
    October 14, 2012 @ 6:42 pm

    i have to comment again..that is the dumbest woman ive ever heard surprised the commentators didnt say something to her..OMG!!!!!


  7. mary bare
    October 14, 2012 @ 6:40 pm

    she is a mental she that stupid? does she think deer can read the signs…omg,is a dumb be ashamed if it were me..DUH!!!!!!!!


  8. liz
    October 14, 2012 @ 4:29 pm

    She must live in a bubble, and thinking that she is a “lone voice, crying out in the wilderness.” I’m kind of shocked that no one has taken the time to educate her, that these crossings have been used and reused by deer for hundreds, if not thousands of years, long before there were ever roads or freeways! I can’t believe that she REALLY doesn’t know the truth! No disparaging meant, but I wonder if she’s blonde???? I’m sorry to all of you natural blondes, which if I’d had anything to say about it, would have loved to have been born blonde!


    • mary bare
      October 18, 2012 @ 4:54 pm

      liz, what do u mean the deer have used and reused the signs..they cant read..hahahahahahaha


      • liz
        October 18, 2012 @ 11:35 pm

        Yo, mary bare, I did NOT say that the deer have used or reused the SIGNS!!! What I said is that they have used these trails, paths, and crossings, etc., for ages. The parents take their young on them, as do the other deer in their groups or herds, and then when they grow up they take their fawns on these same trails, and on and on, forever. THAT is WHY they put the signs on the roads at those locations, to warn MOTORISTS that this is where the deer cross, hence the deer crossing signs. They put them there to warn US, not to educate the deer. In the woods, there are deer trails, narrow paths that the deer walk in. They are about 8-12″ wide, and the deer follow in the footsteps of each other, using the same paths forever and ever. They are creatures of habit, and the highway dept. crews put up signs to alert us, of the dangers to us, especially at dusk, and during the night, which is usually when they feed and travel. I’m sorry I didn’t make my remark clearer.


        • Randy G
          October 19, 2012 @ 11:13 am

          You forgot to point out that PEOPLE do the same thing including reuse of trails, which is why we have roads & freeways.


          • liz
            October 19, 2012 @ 3:20 pm

            HI to mary bare and Randy G: Randy you’re totally right, we are like the deer, in that we create roads and freeways on our well worn paths.
            mary bare: I didn’t mean to jump you, I thought you were comparing me to the fruitcake! Sorry, it was my bad to react to your words! I appreciate your views, and most others.

        • mary bare
          October 19, 2012 @ 5:37 pm

          heavens no, liz..there is no one to compare the “fruitcake” with.i’m so sorry f i came off like that..i enjoy the site too much to have to give it up.. may we all start over and try to get along


          • liz
            October 22, 2012 @ 5:33 pm

            mary bare, no worries, I’d feel awful if you gave up this site because we both misunderstood each other’s remarks. All is great! It’s just free speech! I know that too often what I’m saying is often not what people hear, so once we cleared that up, like I said ~ all is great! Keep posting, and if one of us misunderstands another, we can work it out! Have an AWESOME day!!!

        • Ken
          November 3, 2012 @ 12:49 am

          It would appear to me that you think those signs are a calling card for the deer. 3 things you need to be aware of.
          1) The deer can’t read, Any moron would know that.
          2) you have had 3 accidents right after you go by the signs ? You know the area where the signs are and you choose to ignore them. You deserve what you get. and 3) the deer were here a long ling time before you were and they have the right to go wherever they want to, and cross wherever they want. Those signs are there for your protection as well as theirs. I have ssn a lot of car deer accidents and you can consider yourself lucky that you were not killed. You need to learn to slow down and drive like a normal person, or park it and let someone responsible do the driving !


    • mary bare
      October 19, 2012 @ 1:19 pm

      i know that liz..the deer use the same trails, but that woman was implying that the signs should be moved, just like the deer can read them..maybe im not getting it..anyway, i give up..from now on, ill agree with everyone else..


  9. Randy G
    October 14, 2012 @ 11:49 am

    That female is so dumb, I am surprised she doesn’t think the phone dials itself.


    • Kathy
      October 23, 2012 @ 1:01 pm

      I didn’t know deer could read. Awesome.


  10. Jean H
    October 14, 2012 @ 11:24 am



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