Oldest Living Actors And Artists 2021
This video is about celebrities who were born near the start of the 20th century and are still alive and kicking today. It may be hard to believe but actors and artists in this video have lived for a century or close, and some of them are still active today. They may come from different career backgrounds but all of them have left lasting impacts in their respective industries. For example, Betty White is one of the most beloved cultural icons. Her career as an actress has spanned over 82 years and is just now starting to slow down, but she has not retired yet. Her most recent acting credit is from 2019 as the voice of Bitey White in Toy Story 4.
Please check the video to see some of the most amazing centenarians as of 2021 today. What did you think? Please leave a comment in the section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
July 9, 2021 @ 11:48 am
Good morning from Edmonton Alberta. I have 3 daughters and 3 grandsons. I was born in Regina Saskatchewan in 1955 on February 6th. Hopefully I will be able to become a centagurian. My personal phone number 403-330-9292 and I use WhatsApp and Instagram