The bear and the man weren’t playing….they were just “chilling”. I didn’t see this as play, my idea of play is running around, chasing, rough housing etc. Anyway, just sort of chilling. And yes, I have to agree with Taste Crazy. This bear and man just didn’t meet, they have known each other for quite a while. Because the other man wouldn’t have been able to stand around and just watch. This bear was trained. He looks like an old bear, and the man well he’s showing a bit of his age as well.
I would have liked to have been able to hear the interaction between bear and the man. I wonder why they omitted the sound? Bears are not my favorite critters. As a child I had nightmares about them, alot.
That is a huge bear..but he must have been raised or spent a lot of time around humans to be that tame..still an amazing video! an that bear was acting like a big furry baby. so cute
April 2, 2012 @ 10:06 am
Yes, Lola, both man and bear are a bit long in the tooth, so to speak.
March 31, 2012 @ 3:45 am
The bear and the man weren’t playing….they were just “chilling”. I didn’t see this as play, my idea of play is running around, chasing, rough housing etc. Anyway, just sort of chilling. And yes, I have to agree with Taste Crazy. This bear and man just didn’t meet, they have known each other for quite a while. Because the other man wouldn’t have been able to stand around and just watch. This bear was trained. He looks like an old bear, and the man well he’s showing a bit of his age as well.
March 30, 2012 @ 7:10 pm
I would have liked to have been able to hear the interaction between bear and the man. I wonder why they omitted the sound? Bears are not my favorite critters. As a child I had nightmares about them, alot.
March 30, 2012 @ 2:15 pm
i guess i thot it was dumb…we know from the news what can happen when we mess around with wild animals…even those that have been trained….
March 30, 2012 @ 12:50 pm
That is a huge bear..but he must have been raised or spent a lot of time around humans to be that tame..still an amazing video! an that bear was acting like a big furry baby. so cute