annyonymus August 26, 2014 @ 8:30 pm
I like sheep sometimes they are furry
Chickmelion June 10, 2011 @ 6:03 pm
Oh WOW!……
Sandi June 9, 2011 @ 6:59 pm
Shreck the Ram was from New Zeland.
mary bare June 9, 2011 @ 6:06 pm
bless his wonder he probably died from heat exhaustion…he was old too, wasnt he? where was he from?
Sandi June 8, 2011 @ 12:50 pm
hit the wrong key I meant to say
Rest in Peace Shrek…not peach…what was I thinking?? So sorry
Sandi June 8, 2011 @ 12:49 pm
Quite a celebrity got $15,000 for an appearance. Hid in caves for seven years. Awesome fellow. Many people are mourning this icon.
Rest in Peach Shrek..
Ruth June 8, 2011 @ 12:22 pm
Yep, just read about Shrek this morning. How in the world did he walk or eat with all that wool on him?
Margaret June 8, 2011 @ 11:33 am
From what I have read, he was quite “ornery” for being a sheep. Maybe that’s why they hadn’t sheared his wool in so long a time. Amazing creature, no matter what.
Jean H June 8, 2011 @ 11:18 am
OH! Poor Shreck. He just passed away last week. He was 17 yrs old. They got 60 lbs of wool off of him when he was clipped.
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August 26, 2014 @ 8:30 pm
I like sheep sometimes they are furry
June 10, 2011 @ 6:03 pm
Oh WOW!……
June 9, 2011 @ 6:59 pm
Shreck the Ram was from New Zeland.
June 9, 2011 @ 6:06 pm
bless his wonder he probably died from heat exhaustion…he was old too, wasnt he? where was he from?
June 8, 2011 @ 12:50 pm
hit the wrong key I meant to say
Rest in Peace Shrek…not peach…what was I thinking?? So sorry
June 8, 2011 @ 12:49 pm
Quite a celebrity got $15,000 for an appearance. Hid in caves
for seven years. Awesome fellow. Many people are mourning
this icon.
Rest in Peach Shrek..
June 8, 2011 @ 12:22 pm
Yep, just read about Shrek this morning. How in the world did he walk or eat with all that wool on him?
June 8, 2011 @ 11:33 am
From what I have read, he was quite “ornery” for being
a sheep. Maybe that’s why they hadn’t sheared his wool
in so long a time. Amazing creature, no matter what.
June 8, 2011 @ 11:18 am
OH! Poor Shreck. He just passed away last week. He was 17 yrs old. They got 60 lbs of wool off of him when he was clipped.