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  1. gamefly review 2011
    March 2, 2012 @ 7:22 am

    Lovely just what I was looking for.


  2. Maggie
    November 17, 2011 @ 11:24 am

    Funny little thing; does it make that noise all the time when it’s awake? I would hope it sleeps a lot especially @ night so the others can rest…


  3. wicked1
    November 16, 2011 @ 2:40 pm

    You’re welcome Rick. 🙂


  4. Rick
    November 16, 2011 @ 12:24 pm

    Thanks Wicked1. R


  5. wicked1
    November 16, 2011 @ 3:06 am

    This is going to sound terrible, but my sister’s pig loved bacon! We have a cockatoo that loves chicken! I love cows, but I still eat beef. I just don’t think of it “that” way. It helps. 🙂


  6. Joy
    November 16, 2011 @ 2:54 am

    He is just too cute! I am with Simona-09, I couldn’t eat bacon or ham again if I had a little guy like this. So sweet!


  7. wicked1
    November 15, 2011 @ 11:05 pm

    So cute! The dog was jealous.
    My sister had a pet pig. They make great pets!! @ Rick…My sister’s pig would go to the door, like the dogs, to let her know he wanted to go outside. Her pig got big. He was fed raw vegetables, and pig food, but he would do anything for mini marshmallows and popcorn. The more you feed them, the bigger they get. He was a pot-bellied pig. He was also given Flintstone chewable vitamins everyday. 🙂 He slept in a large dog cage, inside the house, and would pull his own blanket over himself. Adorable. He started out the size of this little guy.


  8. Simona-09
    November 15, 2011 @ 8:23 pm

    If this was my Pet
    I am sure I would never eat porkchops
    or bacon ever again
    this little one is just to cute *


  9. Rick
    November 15, 2011 @ 8:15 pm

    I heard that pigs make great animal companions. Must be weird when they kiss you – LOL. Can they be house broken? Will they use a litterbox? What do they eat? How big do they get? Anyone know? Rick


  10. lin
    November 15, 2011 @ 8:00 pm

    I had a pink pig when I was about 5 and he was sweet. I have a huge collection of pigs.


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