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    August 24, 2012 @ 11:40 pm

    I don’t have access to a phone, I just have the PC. Also the office phone isn’t available to call out unless U give a local name & number as to who U R calling. I don’t know a soul in this town. I want VERY MUCH to go to TX near family & a friend. She thinks she is dying & STILL wants to WILL me to my youngest brother, not ASK/will. It’ll work out SOME way soon. (I KNOW where I WANT & NEED to move to).


    August 24, 2012 @ 12:18 am

    It’s hard here 4 me because of the age differance & a mother 30 miles away & visited here & as my conservator. CONHSER va tor.


    August 24, 2012 @ 12:12 am

    a NICER pic on here would help me here. I had a black cat who is now in Dallas Texas with my brother. i WANT VERY MUCH to move to Lubbock, TX where I have a ‘deer’ friend in MY generation. This is a nice place if U are over 70. I am 60 & ‘out of place’ here. Hurricane Katrina this is where I have been. sILVER bELLE. ONE day instead of being marianne39506@hm I WILL be sILVER bELLE. (dropping the 39506….my old zip in G’port MS.


    August 23, 2012 @ 10:15 pm

    Lola, EVEN if where I am is full (I don’t know) this ls Alden Pointe Assisted Living & EVERYone here is nice. It’s a ‘full-service’ place as in 3 meals & room cleaning & laundry. HATTIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI. 601-296-9711. sILVER bELLE aka marianne39506@hh


    • Lola
      August 24, 2012 @ 8:13 am

      Silver Belle: From all your postings, it doesn’t sound as though you are very happy. I sure don’t want to go to a place like that in Mississippi. You told us a lot in your postings, I don’t want to be there. I have two dogs and two cats that treat me better than people. Thank you for your input though, I do appreciate it. Have a nice day!



    August 23, 2012 @ 9:59 pm

    Mother dosen’t WANT me & TELLS EVERYONE that. I was a daddys girl/he died 4 Oct. 1975 & she remarried a man she never knew less than a year later. I am @ Alden Pointe Assisted Living for Seniors in Hattiesburg, MS 39402. Am sure they have a waiting list Lin, but they average a death a week (85 & up) This IS Hattiesburg, Miss however. PLEASE feel free to E me: marianne39506@hm, I am SIXTY.


  6. Lola
    August 23, 2012 @ 9:20 am

    Lin I have been making phone calls to every agency etc. I’m getting lame excuses all the way around why they can’t come out,or,after surgery no one can stay 24-7 until I’m on my feet. I’ve been trying for weeks and its all negative responses. I’ve given up because I have no where else to turn.


    • Lin
      August 24, 2012 @ 10:44 am

      Give some of those senior citizen places to ask how you go about getting help for your needs. Dying isn’t an answer.


  7. Lin
    August 23, 2012 @ 2:26 am

    Silverbelle, sorry it is that way where you have to live. Maybe your mom is sorry she can’t care for you herself.


  8. Lin
    August 23, 2012 @ 2:24 am

    Oh my. Lola, get a grip. You need to find people who come in to help. Call senior citizens or some one like that. We don’t want you feeling as you do now.


  9. Lola
    August 21, 2012 @ 10:05 am

    Silver Belle: If you are 60, then how old is your mother? Why I ask is that she probably doesn’t know the distress that you’re in. Have you discussed this with her and how unhappy you are? Maybe you can move someplace else.

    You know Silver Belle, I know that you’re distraught being there. I’m going to be 65 and have no will to live anymore. I’m due for surgery, and I have no one in this big house. I have no family, no local friends, all my friends are long distance. Sure we e-mail and talk on the phone, but after the surgery there will be no one here to care for me. Last night an acquaintance said that he was giving me 30 day notice, he appreciated my help even though I’m in chronic pain and need help, he said he would never leave me in a lurch, and that is exactly what he is doing.

    Be grateful Silver Belle, at least if you fall, are in bad health etc.,there is someone there to help you. I have no one except my animals. No one Silver Belle to help me when I’m down on the ground, no one to make me meals, no one to talk and laugh with. So I’ve decided to get all personal effects in order and take things into my own hands. I can’t go on like this anymore. You have people that care about you no matter what…I have no one. I would give anything to have at least one person care about me, love and cherish me,help me as I can’t get this house organized after a major sewer backup came into my home and all repairs got done, but I can’t find anything. Papers are all over the place, there is so much stuff to unload and I can’t do it alone. I’m not allowed to do any lifting, pushing, pulling, etc. So it is better for me to leave this life and not be in anyone’s way.
    I hope you find it in your heart to find the comfort and peace that you so desperately need. I wish you well, and pray to God that He will give you strength.



    • sILVER bELLE
      August 24, 2012 @ 12:02 am

      Mother KNOWS my distress. I paid for a now empty apt. in her backyard. Living with people MOTHERS age is NOT easy. She drinks & drives & I refuse to get in a car with her. An idiopathic brain aneurysm didn’t kill me. Neither is she. I want VERY MUCH to move to Lubbock, TX where I AM loved & can have a LIFE with people in MY generation. She is a CONSER vator, NOT a guardien. BIG difference. This is an EXPENSIVE place financially AND emotionally. It’s a good place for someone in theit 70’s….I am a new 60. Mother CAN care 4 me/is divorced & then widowed. I am widowed & pay my ON way. My sister lives next door to her.


  10. Lin
    August 20, 2012 @ 9:24 am

    silver belle, I don’t know how to do pics. I think you can be a blessing to the older people there. Visit them because they also love company. You can make them very happy by paying attention to them. ok?
    Sorry you are off face book. It is really messed up now. Some people are not very nice there.
    Have a good day. Hugs to you today.


    • sILVER bELLE
      August 20, 2012 @ 9:18 pm

      A LOT of people here are NOT polite/much less nice. The average age IS 80. I am 60. I pay my OWN bills as I am a widow. Mother is CONSERVATOR/OF MY MONEY…THIS is THE most expensive living in Hattesburg, MISS. (Alden Pointe for Seniors. Feel Free to E me & I’ll add U to my MESSENGER: marianne39506@hm


    • Marianne Rankin
      August 21, 2012 @ 11:27 pm

      I THANK yall. I seriously find it very easy to be nice. It’s just hard to lose them. Two women I truly loved have died & at the moment there is one on life support who is not expected to make ie through the night. I’ve been here since Hurricane Katrina. I’ve been here longer than anyone in the building. Mother dosen’twant me & SAYS so. She lives alone in a 3 bedroom house 30 min. away & has an empty apt. in her back yard. I want VERY MUCH to go to Lubbock, TX. However mother is my CONSERVAtor…as in CONSERVE & dosen’t care. She HAS finally said after ALL these YEARS my friend in Lubbock my contact her & come meet her. IV HOPE VERY SOON. marianne39506@hm


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