Impossible Twin Conincidents
There sometimes seem to be a strange connection between twins. Sometimes the coincidences seem impossible. Watch this video to see what we mean. How could this be?
What did you think of the coincidences? To do believe them or do you think there is a logical explanation to it all? Please tell us what you think using the comment section below.
August 5, 2015 @ 9:27 pm
I’m sorry for the people who have had the loses I give my respect to all of u sorry for ur lose.
August 5, 2015 @ 9:25 pm
I think it is possible but rare that 2 people with 2 different lives could have the same thing happen to them around the same time or place.
February 19, 2014 @ 10:09 am
Would like to know more about the James twins.
January 26, 2014 @ 5:47 pm
January 26, 2014 @ 3:04 pm
Wow, this is amazing results about twins. I also had a twin brother and sister who died at the same time.
January 26, 2014 @ 4:19 pm
So sorry for your loss. Were you a triplet? Did your twin bother and sister die at the same place and time?
January 26, 2014 @ 7:09 pm
I was born a year after. Yes, they died at the same place and same time at the hospital.