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  1. John Cusack
    May 13, 2022 @ 10:31 am

    Thanks for the (good) memories! JKC


  2. Wayne Flaaten
    May 12, 2022 @ 8:56 pm

    WOW ! Talk about some great memories that this video brought up.
    I was born in Culver City, CA in 1940 & was raised there in the 40s – 50s & left to go to college in 1960.
    I can recall doing / experiencing ALL of the things pictured in this video.
    Yes – we spent a LOT of time outside back then = NOT like kids today on their ”devices”.
    In junior high & even in high school I had a ”duck’s butt” / ”ducktail” … THEN … in my senior year I had a butch haircut.
    I went to the local drive-ins with my dates to be served by the carhops on their roller skates.
    My mom bought her brushes & other items from the local Fuller Brush Man.
    My mom collected S&H Green Stamps & Blue Chip Stamps mostly.
    I had a Davy Crockett coon skin cap.
    My mom had a Singer sewing machine & made dresses & blouses for herself – & – also shirts for my dad & me.
    We’d take the bus to L.A. at Christmas to see the FAB windows at May C. & Broadway stores.
    The Weekly Reader was a thing to wait to read every Friday.

    I could go on & on … but … suffice it to say Tusen takk ! for this video !!!


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