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Two men, who don’t like each other very much, find themselves sitting next to each other in a barber shop one afternoon…
Both men are there for a much-needed haircut and shave.
Despite their mutual dislike, they try to make the best of the situation…
Burying themselves in their reading material, avoiding eye contact and any potential conversation.
As the barber finishes shaving the first man and reaches for a bottle of aftershave, the man quickly raises his hand to stop him…

“Forget it, buddy!” he exclaims, “My wife will take one whiff of that and think I spent the afternoon in a whorehouse!”
The barber nods, putting the bottle back on the shelf.
As the second man’s shave nears completion, his barber also reaches for some aftershave…
The barber pauses and asks his client, “How about you?”, holding up the bottle.
The second man grins and says, “Sure, go ahead… “
“My wife doesn’t know what the inside of a whorehouse smells like.”