If u don’t c the humor, well I do. This guy is no hostage or is a hostage to himself that is why it is fake. those supposed to have held him hostage are merely in a cardboard as an enlarged picture
“Terrorism is No Joke” Just Ask All The People That have Suffered in the hands of those self righteous A..holes who think they have the right to take over and rule the world because they think they are chosen by a God that would promise them 17 virgins for their loyalty what a load of b…s.it only a Fools God would promise such a thing. Would you want to trust in a God that would even condone such a ludicrous notion let alone even sanction it…. What a False Paradise…built on the trickery of false values of all that is held sacred The Word of God…We All Have Equal Opportunities to see Paradise because “We Are All The Children of God”…. not just the supposed chosen few….
May 10, 2010 @ 2:36 pm
priceless-had me really-the IT folks are ingenious. gotta laugh.
April 17, 2010 @ 8:04 pm
@Cidus-WELL DUH!!!!!
April 16, 2010 @ 3:04 am
If u don’t c the humor, well I do. This guy is no hostage or is a hostage to himself that is why it is fake. those supposed to have held him hostage are merely in a cardboard as an enlarged picture
April 12, 2010 @ 7:12 am
“Terrorism is No Joke” Just Ask All The People That have Suffered in the hands of those self righteous A..holes who think they have the right to take over and rule the world because they think they are chosen by a God that would promise them 17 virgins for their loyalty what a load of b…s.it only a Fools God would promise such a thing. Would you want to trust in a God that would even condone such a ludicrous notion let alone even sanction it…. What a False Paradise…built on the trickery of false values of all that is held sacred The Word of God…We All Have Equal Opportunities to see Paradise because “We Are All The Children of God”…. not just the supposed chosen few….
April 12, 2010 @ 5:35 am
lakers think this is what? HELLooooooooooo MORONS!
April 12, 2010 @ 12:04 am
Let me just join Bev and Jean: NOT FUNNY!
April 11, 2010 @ 10:34 pm
At risk to sound redundant, This is not funny!!
April 11, 2010 @ 10:14 pm
This is NOT funny!!