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  1. cheetah
    November 8, 2015 @ 8:13 pm

    That gator found out who the real boss is! LOL 😀 😀 They’re great. Keep them coming


  2. linda carlson
    April 22, 2013 @ 4:50 pm

    I’m sorry, but I see absolutely NO HUMOR whatsoever in scaring cats half to death in water situations and other things! They laughed at the screeching cat “Burger and Fries” in a place where obviously the poor thing was scared to death where someone was supposed to be responsible for it’s well being!!! The baby throwing the cat in a pool…his family should all be thrown in a deep pool for allowing that! What absolute idiots! And the alligator…really? You people just laughed? Seriously? Guess you are so stupid you didn’t think the cat could possibly be in immanent danger of being grabbed in the things strong jaws, drug down into the water to horribly drown and eaten! I will absolutely block videos from here if this stuff continues. Really people… get a clue that these situations are neither cute NOR funny! Disgusting to the nth degree!!!! Stick with the cute tickle vids and we’ll all be happy. I don’t need to see cats OR dogs or any other animal in distressful situations EVER! Nor do I need a video reminder of just how stupid some people are!!!


    • chip
      April 22, 2013 @ 8:23 pm

      get a life


      • karen Morana
        April 23, 2013 @ 6:52 am

        I aggree with you totally….Shame on the grown ups (????)


        • karen Morana
          April 23, 2013 @ 6:55 am

          Chip: Throwing animals into water teaches children cruelity to animals…


    • karen Morana
      April 23, 2013 @ 6:51 am

      I aggree with you totally….Shame on the grown ups (????)


      • karen Morana
        April 23, 2013 @ 7:04 am

        Chip: I disagree with you..My comment of aggreeing with you went to you by mistake. But, we are allowed our opinion, right Chip…


    • karen Morana
      April 23, 2013 @ 7:00 am

      Linda Carlson: I agree with you. My comments didn’t go to the right place the first time. Joyce and Chip have the same since of humor that I disagree with. I don’t thing scaring animals is funny or teaching kids the right thing. Don’t be cruel to animals….Just my opinion and thank God I can still have my opinion. Right on Linda..


  3. Joyce
    April 22, 2013 @ 11:06 am

    The animal photos get better and better. The funniest one was the baby trying to throw the cat in the pool and instead it went in. This could have been dangerous/deadly if the child can’t swim. Hope it is alright. Keep these animals coming. Look forward to them. Thank you.


    • cheetah
      November 8, 2015 @ 8:14 pm

      Personally, I think the one with the gator getting globbered 😉 is the best. Luv them all


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