carolyn zirfas April 7, 2012 @ 1:12 pm
Sweet little ducklings choose one for Easter or put out for kids to catch one!
TLB May 15, 2011 @ 1:13 am
These guys make rubber duckies obsolete. It would be fun to play with them in tub.
Jeanne April 28, 2011 @ 12:48 am
I love it with the DOVE soap on the back of the sink!! Sweet pic.
Betty April 27, 2011 @ 7:42 pm
nobody pull the drain plug
Joy April 26, 2011 @ 1:39 am
Reminds me of my brother when he was 12, bringing the mama duck & all her ducklings in the bath tub. Sooooo cute!!!! (The mama had a broken wing.)
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April 7, 2012 @ 1:12 pm
Sweet little ducklings choose one for Easter or put out for kids to catch one!
May 15, 2011 @ 1:13 am
These guys make rubber duckies obsolete. It would be fun to play with them in tub.
April 28, 2011 @ 12:48 am
I love it with the DOVE soap on the back of the sink!!
Sweet pic.
April 27, 2011 @ 7:42 pm
nobody pull the drain plug
April 26, 2011 @ 1:39 am
Reminds me of my brother when he was 12, bringing the mama duck & all her ducklings in the bath tub. Sooooo cute!!!! (The mama had a broken wing.)