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  1. MadisonTheJack
    August 29, 2016 @ 3:05 pm

    Hey guys Madison here and today im telling you my life so my mom kami had another baby puppy and his name was bear hes 2 weeks old and 1 years old and I got sick before Oscar and resses were born and Mikie ate a lot of pancakes and vomited on the floor and then Roseia had a baby boy named George hes cute and I never bit him and he turned 2 so that’s all for today bye guys


  2. MadisonTheJack
    August 14, 2016 @ 9:40 am

    hey guys its Madison so you guys seen my life and sorry its been a while so lets get started so it was Augsust 3rd 2016 I turned 8 Me and mikie was eating pancakes watching Mickey mouse and we fell asleep with pancakes bitten off on our heads if you wanted to see a picture so me and mikie went to see Jesse the Jack Russell My best friend ever he teached me how to do tricks when I was two and we went home and we had a mommy named Kami and she had 2 baby puppies named Resses and Oscar so they already grew up Reeses was 5 and Oscar was 3 well guys that’s all for today bye love ya’ll


  3. MadisonTheJack
    July 9, 2016 @ 6:44 pm

    Hi I am Madison im a a doggie and im 7 years old and my birthday is August 3rd and I cant wait but its not cool without eating chocolates my Doggie brother Mikie is 12 years old and he said Chocolates not for dogs hes a jack Russell and I cant eat dog food its so so soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yuck BUGH !! Mikie showed me some tips of how I would be a Human he pulled Out a lot of Different Color Nail Polishes and My Doggie clothes and I ate Some dog treats and my Teeth were White and my Owner was asleep her name is Maggie and I told mikie That I cant to it so my other owner Kai Clipped my Nails abit and Mikie Painted my Nails hot pink my dog breed is a jack like Jesses Kinda but im Different Kinda I was adopted on July 19th With a Owner Named Maddie and kai and Maddie was so so cool she was Red headed and Has a Emily Osment Face and I did a Back Flip and Maddie and kai Saw me and Maddie Adopted “nother Dog and his name was Mikie he makes my Days awesome he Sleeps All the time I feed him a pancake And he falls asleep everytime when Maggie and Kai leaves and my Babysitters Name is Roseia shes Maggies Sister shes Pregnant she is 4 months and 8 weeks Pregnant and I didn’t know I was a talented Dog before I Looked Up Jesse the jack Russell and he is my Master of Tricks I am still gonna see if I can make these Videos And this website is called umm………… Youtube I think and I promise I will make Videos and ill give you a tour of my House sometimes And ill tell you my story another day good bye guys


  4. Charles
    July 28, 2014 @ 6:31 pm

    My wife and I just inherited a 4 year old Yorkie. He is not a tea cup even though he was supposed to, something must have happened at birth because he is about 15-18″ tall. We really didn’t want another dog since our Border Collie died a couple of years ago. We are retired an did not want another dog to tie us down. I had jokingly complained to my kids that I did not have a grandson named after me. My name is Charles so when my daughter got this dog she named it Charlie. Being a good sport as I am I thought that was a good jester. Two months ago Charlie came to live with us for a while. Well, that all has changed, he is a times and Charlie knows exactly what imam about to B resident now. I cannot go anywhere in or around my house, not even on my screened back porch or the yard. He is ready to jump in the car any time we are going some place. I am an amputee (leg) and I use my golf cart around my yard to get from place to place and carry my tools and supplies. One of the first days he was with us I was in the back yard putting a flower bed and one time when I stopped Charlie jumped up in the right seat and sat there so proud and like a king and now does it all the time. We have way too many squirrels in our back yard. They are destroying my 6 bird feeders , so I have a BB/pellet pump gun to run them off. I don’t kill the pesky varmints but I do try to hit them and give them a sting to remember. Well, since the arrival of Charlie I don’t get to shoot at the squirrels anymore. I try to be a sneak about pumping the BB gun about 6-7 times, but Charlie knows exactly what I am about to do and he scoots out his dogie door and gets to the squirrels before I can get a sot off. Charlie sleeps with my wife and I and is not one bit of a problem. He will not get in the bed and lay down until I get in beg where he lays his head on the pillow between my wife and I. They are extremely smart and loving watch dogs!!!


  5. Lina
    January 6, 2014 @ 9:03 pm

    Now this was one video worth watching!!


  6. Ruby
    January 4, 2014 @ 10:25 am

    The trainer obviously spent a lot of time with this Yorkie. The bow must be the key … 🙂


  7. lin
    January 3, 2014 @ 8:08 pm

    We must of had the dumbest one there ever was…..


  8. Peg
    January 3, 2014 @ 7:00 pm

    ADORABLE>>>>a friend for life!


  9. John
    January 3, 2014 @ 1:27 pm

    I like Yorkies. I had a friend that had a male that liked to run on the treadmill. He would go to it & hop up sitting until it was turned on. Then he would trot along enjoying himself.


  10. Love
    January 3, 2014 @ 11:54 am

    Yorkes are some of the most smart dogs. They are very smart. I like the part when she prayed.


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