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  1. Lola
    February 18, 2013 @ 12:15 am

    Thank you Ruby. It was touch and go for awhile. Was in the hospital one month, when only suppose to be there two weeks. I had a stroke right before I came home, before that my potassium dropped dangerously low,so they kept me in bed for four hours with IV of Potassium in my veins and me being in a bed of ice from the IV of potassium going through the veins. Its been a struggle, but I have help now, however when I’m back on my feet I’ll have no one…but…maybe I will. I met someone in the hospital and we might be getting together. He’s been my rock for the past month. I’ll keep you all posted, but please, please keep those powerful prayers coming. Still having trouble learning how to walk, still trouble going up and down steps, and only can sit no more then ten minutes. Otherwise I can’t stand up without help and having someone with me at all times. I want my independence back and soon. Have to go Ruby, time is up. Thanks for yur lovely note.



  2. Lola
    February 16, 2013 @ 6:08 am

    This isn’t related to the picture just to me. Hi everyone, I’m back from the double knee replacement surgery. Took place on January 3, 2013 and returned home from hospital on January 28, 2013. Learning how to walk all over again, still have pain only different. Have nurses, physical therapists, and a caregiver five days a week. I have to learn to live all over again. Can’t get into the bathtub as I still can’t bend my knees. There are times (not as much now) that I scream and cry from the pain…but its going to take the therapy and lots of it to get me back to some sort of normalcy. Missed you all. Have over 2,000 e-mails waiting to be read. Many thanks for your prayers, and from some of you your phone calls, cards etc. All of it meant/means so much. Can’t sit anymore than five minutes so closing here. Just letting you know I’m back, will write when I can, comment when I can. Have a beautiful day!



    • Ruby
      February 17, 2013 @ 10:10 pm

      So good to see something from you, Lola. Prayers continue to be lifted for a safe and expediant recovery.

      Blessings be to all the help you receive!!


    February 12, 2013 @ 10:40 am

    Hello, everything is going fine here and ofcourse every one is sharing information, that’s truly fine, keep up writing.


  4. מובילים מומלצים
    April 20, 2012 @ 11:21 am

    You are? the woman I love.


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