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  1. meza
    April 20, 2011 @ 2:29 am

    I used to think of Easter as a Celebration, part Revelation!!! Lots of goodies and Chocolate to eat but on here its more about the “Nuts”!!!! Getting their Panties in a Twist!!!
    “Lighten Up”!!!! and Enjoy or Celebrate,… Give Thanks to “Jesus” for his Sacrifice, as in the way you feel that it is an essential part of your Own Lives….
    Its called “Freedom of Choice” !!!!! Jesus had his taken away… So we may be able to Exorcise Ours!!!!……. “Freedom of Choice”……..


  2. simona09
    April 20, 2011 @ 2:24 am

    This joke is not about Jesus Christ
    this joke is about Blondes
    and it goes already for many years how stupid blondes are,
    I am blond since I was a little girl
    but I can handle life even so my Husband died on me,
    leave blondes alone , and we would not get so many funny and sometimes rude jokes
    find another dummy
    Happy Easter from australia,,
    not all what looks good is Gold,,


  3. Margaret
    April 20, 2011 @ 1:34 am

    Ok….if someone in your family was killed because of
    some terrible person’s wrong-doing, would you want
    it to be “made light of” as it was here JUST BECAUSE
    WHILE ALIVE? The price Jesus paid for our sins should
    NEVER be part of a joke. MARY, you are right! People
    always justify sin. I think maybe you know HIM personally while others just know about HIM.


  4. simona09
    April 19, 2011 @ 7:30 pm

    If you are all but happy *’that is all we want of life
    forget jokes and bad language
    Happy Easter to all and everyone
    Yarra Valley greets you*


  5. jesus4me
    April 19, 2011 @ 2:11 pm

    It’s true that God has a sense of humor, just observe nature for a while and you will see. Dumb blonde jokes are belittling a group of people and God doesn’t approve. He also does not approve of using mass media to vent anger, bitterness, etc. And such vile language you find these days–it is not normal. I can tell it is just a sort of defense mechanism against the things people can’t, or won’t understand. The answer to that is read the Bible, attend a Bible Study, pray, attend church services and learn what the Lord would have you understand. I for one do not like to be stupid and I will avail myself of the knowledge God affords me in the above-mentioned avenues. Praise the Lord for His goodness to us, though it is undeserved.


  6. Gloria Johnston
    April 19, 2011 @ 12:09 pm

    I am so joyfull that my God has a sense of humor I do feel he would laugh


  7. Jacquie
    April 19, 2011 @ 11:45 am

    Well I’m sure that Jesus has a sense of humor but either way I read it it’s still a stupid joke. New material needed. Surely there is no blonde that stupid.


  8. Jan DeSantis
    April 5, 2010 @ 10:44 pm

    Im seriously not sure that JESUS is reading…. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!



  9. Jan DeSantis
    April 5, 2010 @ 10:38 pm

    well to be true……..

    I dont practice the catholic religion… nor do I really practice any but I dont have anything against anyone that does. BUT!!!!! (and there always is a BUT!) I am very blonde and my last name well…….


    so anyways……..people get there panties in a wad for no apparent reason… loosen up for cryin out loud! believe what you please and do as you please as long as you dont hurt others.

    treat others as you would expect to be treated…. ;o) regaurdless of who or what you believe.

    when someone does something good for you…..pass it forward…;o) (even if you have no clue who did it for you)


  10. Sue
    April 3, 2010 @ 12:34 am



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