Big Dog Obsessed With Cats Gets His Very Own
Archie the Samoyed is so obsessed with cats that he will become an anchor and forget how to walk when he sees any cats. Even when he’s at doggy daycare surrounded by other dogs, he begs to go outside to watch the cats for hours on end, which they call his “Cat TV.” His parents finally caved and got Archie his very own kitten, B. B the kitten took a bit to get used to Archie, but now they even go on walks together and cuddle! What did you think? Please leave a comment in the section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
November 2, 2022 @ 9:04 am
Archie is such a stunningly beautiful dog! And so sweet to be interested in cats in a positive way. I’m so glad that he got B to be part of his family and satisfy his kitty obsession. And B got a brother who is loving and accepting. Sweet all the way around!