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  1. Lin
    February 18, 2012 @ 3:42 pm

    Lola, why can’t you use the motel shower? Are you back home now?
    It seems to me a judge could help contractors find their own copy of payment. But then I bet the receipt is in one of those packed boxes, but which one is million dollar ?. I’m 65 and could not stand going through what you are. God bless and we will pray for all the help you can find. Soft hugs, Lin


  2. Lola
    February 18, 2012 @ 12:12 pm

    Thank you Joy. I’m just so upset, now, the contractors that charged me $1100.00 a month ago to do my outside cement work (which is all torn up)refuse to do it. Because I can’t find the receipt with the inside work being done from the sewerage backup, they refuse to return the money and do the work. Tomorrow, I’m going to the Township and see if they can’t be fined or forced to do the work. Say a prayer please.


  3. Joy
    February 18, 2012 @ 12:09 am

    Sorry for all your troubles, Lola. I’ll keep you in my prayers & hope you can soon move back into your home. Maybe things will even be better with new everything.


  4. Lola
    February 17, 2012 @ 3:55 pm

    Thanks Ruby. No its not fixed yet. In the process….but a WHOLE MONTH?! That’s why I’m upset.


  5. Ruby
    February 17, 2012 @ 3:42 pm

    Must be awful!! Sure hope the cause has been fixed so that it never happens again. You just ramble on, Lola. It is a good outlet.

    Yes, most homeowner’s insurance covers liability for personal injury such as a dog bite.


  6. Lola
    February 17, 2012 @ 1:00 pm

    Thanks Ruby and Lin for your support. You have no idea what a mess there is here, plus the smell is/was horrendous. The entire neighborhood’s sewerage backed up into my office, powder room, recreation room, and the smell throughout the house was sickening. Ended up in the hospital due to it. Had to move the animals and myself out until contractors, township, sewer department got rid of everything. And not having a family, living in a motel didn’t help matters any. Now things are packed in boxes whereas I can’t find anything. Thank God for Homeowner’s Insurance….FYI just learned something interesting today on “Judge Judy” did you know that you could get homeowner’s insurance on your dog (s) in case they bite someone? My dogs just give hugs and kisses which I really need now, but it has been a downer for me. I was told this would be taken care of (furniture replacement, walls replaced, carpet replaced, painting etc., all in one to two weeks.) Here a month later nothing is back in shape. Then when I think I have to put everything back together again (and the recreation room and furniture is huge), has me a bit upset since I have to do it alone. Anyway, thanks for your support, there’s more to the story but I won’t burden you with it. I just feel my life has been turned upside down. Wish it was only the yard to worry about like the picture above. It’s just very frustrating and upsetting and I’m no spring chicken. So to let out my frustrations, I’m going to the YMCA to shower (since the shower upstairs (which is new needs another pipe) and the shower downstairs was flooded out, I either have to drive to the YMCA or go to a friends to shower. But I don’t like taking advantage of anyone. Anyway, I don’t want to ramble on, just updating you all, and thanking those of you for your support again.


  7. Lin
    February 17, 2012 @ 10:58 am

    Gosh what a differance this made.
    Sorry bout your problem Lola, must have a real mess there.


  8. Lola
    February 17, 2012 @ 1:01 am

    Thanks I do have good insurance. But its taking the contractors forever to replace walls, furniture, flooring, carpeting, painting, etc.


  9. Lola
    February 16, 2012 @ 10:25 am

    I could use them in my house. Due to a major sewer backup from the neighborhood, it all came into my house. Lost furniture, walls, carpeting, the list is endless.


    • Ruby
      February 16, 2012 @ 11:45 pm

      How awful for you, Lola! Hope someone has good insurance.


  10. Ruby
    February 16, 2012 @ 9:28 am

    Wow!! I could use them in my garden.


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