How did the mamma bear “rescue” her cub? She opened the door, but that was about it. The cub did all the work, rescuing itself. I’m thinking that the dog was next to the homeowner, filming the critter! I wouldn’t have let my dog tangle with the mamma bear. They are fierce and violent protectors when it comes to their cubs.
June 28, 2012 @ 8:01 pm
This video made some of the national news networks.
June 28, 2012 @ 2:21 am
How did the mamma bear “rescue” her cub? She opened the door, but that was about it. The cub did all the work, rescuing itself. I’m thinking that the dog was next to the homeowner, filming the critter! I wouldn’t have let my dog tangle with the mamma bear. They are fierce and violent protectors when it comes to their cubs.
June 27, 2012 @ 8:10 pm
Smart critters…
June 27, 2012 @ 6:50 pm
was that the bear barking? bear says, “back away fido” while i get my cub..never did see the dog..