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  1. Ruby
    April 13, 2012 @ 1:13 pm

    I am tempted to say something about your husband, Missy Lola, only I’m afraid you would think it a cruel comment so I will just say you were more blessed than a lot of people. I will say the wife in this “joke” has no one to blame but herself. Men don’t read minds too well or stop for directions.


  2. Lola
    April 8, 2012 @ 8:09 am

    Now here’s a joke I didn’t find at all funny. I would be crushed if that happened to me, and rethink my thoughts about staying with my “so called husband.” Let’s get our priorities in order, enjoy your spouse as long as you can, life is short. I was only married three years when my husband passed. We were together at all times, and we did make love, and if he wanted to go golfing, bowling, etc., afterward, that was fine. But he never gave up the chance to make love with me. I cherish the memories that we spent together making love, and didn’t care if he decided to go somewhere afterwards, but our lovemaking was so great, that very rarely did he go out afterwards. But, I have to say, if he had plans to go fishing or do something the next day, we always were sure to make love the night before if there wasn’t time in the morning because he wanted to do something else. The three short years of our loving marriage will be etched in my heart forever and so will those memories of the intimate love we had for each other. There will never be another man like him. He always put me on a pedestal with his love, and I thank God everyday that I had someone to love me that dearly and closely. I miss him so much. And guys if you really believe that golf takes top priority over making love, then move on, you don’t need a woman, you have “balls” that you can play with in your golf games, go for it. If you don’t cherish your woman or any woman, then you deserve to be alone with your “balls”.


  3. nan
    April 7, 2012 @ 1:31 pm

    it was after all a joke!!! i don’t understand the mud slinging…you could reverse roles and the woman would probably go shopping, lol


  4. Oluomo
    February 13, 2010 @ 5:48 am

    dat is d best way 2 treat a woman.bcos they don’t always be there when u need them Kudos 2 u strong man.


  5. Oluomo
    February 13, 2010 @ 5:44 am

    Oluomo :
    dat is d best way 2 treat a woman.bcos they don’t always be there when u need them Kudos 2 u strong man.
    UN:F [1.8.1_1037]

    please wait…

    Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)


  6. Oluomo
    February 13, 2010 @ 5:42 am

    dat is d best way 2 treat a woman.bcos don’t al;ways be there when u need them Kudos 2 u strong man.


  7. Marja
    January 25, 2010 @ 9:24 am

    Ooouuuuccchhh…that hurts!!!!!


  8. lovey
    January 21, 2010 @ 3:26 pm



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