Adorable Tiny Kitten
Marshmallow was born on March 1st with low birth weight (~60% of the normal expected weight at about 66g or 2.3 oz). A month later, Marshy is breaking one pound, about 7 times the birthweight. At this point, we’re just thankful that she’s made it through the first month. What a blessing she is.
Below are some notable changes in Marshy’s behavior:
She refuses to stay in her nest box, rebelliously clawing and crying murder when she is placed there. Marshy is also able to regulate her body temperature better now to the point where she no longer needs a heating pad or “rice socks” to keep warm when mama Mochi is not around. We used to place a heating pad beneath the nest box to cover about ½ of the surface area, so Marshy could keep warm, but also move off the heated area if she felt hot.
With her head held high and steady, Marshmallow has become more photogenic as well, often times staring curiously straight into one’s eyes, a move that would melt any stone heart.
Marshmallow’s developing curiosity drives her to walk a whole lot more to explore the seemingly vast world in front of her. It’s amazing to witness her stumbling movements refine into a more stable gait as her hind legs and coordination strengthen and improve to match her front paws. To keep her safe when unsupervised, we have set up a couple of playpens so Marshy can walk “freely” without worries. Besides starting to walk about at a faster pace, she has also picked up scratching and chewing on objects.
Marshmallow loves to interact with her humans, claiming our laps with her naps, climbing up our shirts, playfully grasping our fingers, and sending sweet meows our way.
Maintaining a fluffy hairstyle is not easy. So to keep her coat clean and fluffy, Marshy has instinctively started self-grooming, licking her paws, body, and even wiping her face clean. Of course mama Mochi is around to put on the final touches of tongue baths.
January 26, 2014 @ 10:25 pm
Sweetie you need to start spaying all the females and neutering the males .. i have all my kitties done , and i have in the barn and kennel area 16 …… and there are 9 in the house . You can find a low price place in your area to have the spay & neutering done …. you think your doing right but your totally wrong , sweetie yes you love them , but you need to do what is best for the critters , and for you …..
April 18, 2012 @ 8:37 pm
Joy, sorry for your lose. You really do need to at least get your feline herd fixed.
April 13, 2012 @ 1:25 am
That is the most adorable kitten. I love him! I have always loved Persians. We have accumulated many cats over the years. We get kittens & they grow up. Some of them we can give away. Some we keep. We had one born away from the house, so he/she didn’t get held & now he’s/she’s wild. He hangs with the other cats, so we do see him from time to time. He is a long hair gray tabby. Now, about 4 or 5 cats got pregnant about the same time. One brown & white tabby I named Della is pregnant for the first time. She’ll be one yr. old in two weeks. But… my hubby says we have too many cats(20 total)outside & 2 inside. He wants me to take the pregnant ones to the shelter but its too hard. I know I need to obey my husband but he’ll see my tears & he’ll give in. But catfood has got pretty expensive. Then, on Easter Sun., my husband pulled the car forward & he ran over his favorite cat. She was a long hair black & white cat he named Gigi. We were so sad. When we started the car, all the cats run, except Gigi. Never scared. A real tender cat. If I was barefoot, she would lick my toes. I really miss her! If one is gone out of 20, I know it. Sorry! I didn’t mean to go on so long. I love all my cats & if I have to take some off, it will break my heart, but eventually I get over it.
April 12, 2012 @ 7:07 pm
He is sooooo cute. I love kitties. Right now I am trying to get 3 about this same size to eat from a bowl. We had to bottle feed them because a stray momma cat had them under our house then she played in the road and got killed. And I have an older cat with an ear infection we are doctoring. Hoping to find good homes for the kittens. We have enough pets and can’t take on more right now.
April 12, 2012 @ 4:41 pm
This is the most precious little Angel. Love it. Glad it is doing so well. Love cats so much.
April 12, 2012 @ 2:25 pm
OMG so tiny and what an adorable little one. Love her nice comfy slipper, fits her perfect.