A Day in the Life of the Dog Photographer
Welcome to Wegman’s Wild World of Weimaraners, where dogs bake cakes and lounge like royalty. Known to the world as the “dog photographer,” William Wegman has spent the past 45 years dressing and posing his canine muses in elaborate ensembles, finding whimsy in the absurd. His work is at measures droll and enchanting, evoking awe in audiences around the world. And, his pups have had their share of the limelight, making appearances on everything from “Saturday Night Live” and “Sesame Street,” to movies and galleries worldwide. What did you think? Please leave a comment in the section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
October 10, 2018 @ 6:31 pm
That was an amazing video, I loved it. Those dogs were natural models and their expressions were perfect for each shot. I remember a photographer coming to my home town and he had 2 White French Poodles who would sit with adults and children. They made those photos extra special. I look forward to your videos every day and now I have a dear friend who is 92 years old hooked on them also. So thank you and God Bless.