35 Fun Things to Do While Driving
This Driver’s Ed teacher is a comedic genius. I know we’re all bored of lists. But honestly, this one is hilarious all the way through.
1. Have a friend ride in the back seat. Gagged.
2. Roll down your windows and blast talk radio. Headbang.
3. Wear snorkel gear and hang fish around from the ceiling.
4. Two words: Chicken suit.
5. Write the words “Help me” on your back window in red paint. The more it looks like blood, the better.
6. Pay the toll for the car behind you. Watch in rearview mirror as toll collector tries to explain to next driver.
7. Laugh. Laugh a lot. A whooooole lot.
8. Stop at the green lights.
9. Go at the red ones.
10. Occasionally wave a stuffed animal/troll doll/Barbie out your window or sunroof. Feel free to make it dance.
11. Eat food that requires silverware.
12. Put your arms down the legs of an extra pair of trousers, put sneakers on your hands, and lean the seat back as you drive.
13. At stop lights, eye the person in the next car suspiciously. With a look of fear, suddenly lock your doors.
14. Honk frequently without motivation.
15. Wave at people often. If they wave back, offer an offended and angry look as if they gave you an obscene gesture.
16. At stop lights, ask people if they have any Grey Poupon.
17. Let pedestrians know who’s boss.
18. Look behind you frequently, with a very paranoid look.
19. Restart your car at every stop light.
20. Hang numerous car-fresheners in the rear-view mirror. Talk to them, stroking them lovingly.
21. Lob burning things in the windows of smokers who throw their butts out the window.
22. Keep at least five cats in the car.
23. Squeegee your windshield at every stop.
24. If an fire truck comes up behind you, pull over, get on the roof of your car, and do a cheer for them as they pass!
25. Compliment other drivers on their skill and finesse.
26. Have conversations, looking periodically at the passenger seat, when driving alone.
27. Stop and collect roadkill.
28. Stop and pray for roadkill.
29. Stop and cook roadkill. (If in Tennessee.)
30. Throw Spam. Tape signs on windows protesting email abuse.
31. Get in the fast lane and gradually… slow… down… to…a stop. Then get out and watch the cars.
32. Vary your vehicle’s speed inversely with the speed limit.
33. Drive off an exit ramp, ask for directions to the town you’re in. When they tell you you’re there, look confused, glance at your map, laugh, and exclaim, “Oh! Wrong state!”
34. Sing without having the radio on.
35. At stop lights, run out of your car, place pylons around you, then gather them back up as the light changes and drive off..
October 14, 2015 @ 6:47 am
This episode helps us undsnetard how Regina gained her powers. Considering I thought she was born with them, I liked that they explaind that. I am also curious about why Rumple held Regina as a baby. Now onto the StoryBrooke timeline, everyone there is freaking out, which is undsnetardable. Prince Charming to me though seems a little boring, so Im not to big of a fan of his. Snow White though I like, she is a fighter and has spunk. But my favorite is Regina/ Evil Queen, she has so much depth to her, she is so evil but inside all that hate is still good, which emerges in rare cases .You tend to love how evil she is but also are pulled in by her pain and want it to help her. As she gained her powers back in this new episode you saw her true colors return. Letting you know trouble is on its way. Overall, I liked the episode and have high hopes for the remainder of this season.
January 8, 2011 @ 5:04 am
These things are hilarious, sure some are dangerous completely irresponsible but it is a JOKE. People! Geddit a Life otherwise you shouldn’t be reading this.
October 14, 2015 @ 7:08 am
Thanks Melinda It should be noted that with all my clneits the song selection is picked out by them. I could have done a mix of this to a slow tune, and I thought about it half way through, but the song grows on you and this party was far more exciting than your typical Jack Johnson group. But thanks for watching.- R
May 15, 2010 @ 3:35 am
everyone above me is gay hehe
April 23, 2010 @ 9:36 pm
Shows you how low the internet has gotten, once it was only for intelligent people, now computers have been so dumbed down that morons easily post this mouth breathing “fun”. The author of this has got to be the same type of person painting graffiti on something right now
October 14, 2015 @ 6:56 am
Ryan,These photos are betfuiual and so real. You’ve captured their eyes in a way that almost tells their stories. It makes me want to get out there and help them and love them. What an incredible experience you must’ve had. Thank you for sharing. I am really looking forward to seeing more.
October 28, 2009 @ 6:52 am
funny? you’re deadman to do this trash
October 15, 2009 @ 4:30 am
Yes. I agree with Denversong and meza. This is very unsafe for I know there are crazy people out there who will try those things. I am so desappointed!