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  1. meza
    October 13, 2009 @ 6:57 am

    The most irresponsible piece of crap i have ever read. Definitely Not
    Funny even a 2 year old would have more commonsense than this jerkoff
    “i know don’t be judgemental”Maybe this idiot and his followers were born mentally defective but when i think of all the confusion and havoc
    mostly a great portion of these suggestions would bring. The sum total of it all would mostly be Grieving Innocent Families from all the lives lost all because some idiot’s thought it would be ‘fun’ to take their lethal weapon out on the road in a twisted fate of comedy.


  2. lemonbervina
    October 13, 2009 @ 6:16 am

    Yes please do not try theses at home or on the road!!!


  3. hello
    October 12, 2009 @ 11:31 pm

    well i agree with yuo to shorty


  4. Brenda
    October 12, 2009 @ 7:13 pm

    Shorty I agree with that one 100%


  5. shorty
    October 12, 2009 @ 6:38 pm

    Try driving with both hands on the sterring wheel and no cell phone.


    • Ashmel
      October 14, 2015 @ 7:16 am

      Rad edit. And I absolutely LOVE the coilrong, Ryan! This coilrong is completely awesome it totally fits the couple. Those reds. Everything about it. I dig the slow-mo coming down the stairs with the flashes going off, too, of course. GREAT job, as always!


  6. Jean
    October 12, 2009 @ 4:19 pm

    I pray to God that no one will try any of this nonsense trash! If they do I really hope that a police officer will see and you will be in deep s**t just for not using your brains and being an idiot!


  7. Ramon Salvo
    October 12, 2009 @ 3:02 pm

    Not funny and irresponsible.


  8. denversong
    October 12, 2009 @ 12:33 pm

    Stop and think for a minute about how stupid and unsafe some of these things are. Geez…throwing burning things in people’s windows?, go at red lights?, stop in the fast lane?? C’mon, some of them are funny, but you KNOW people will try these things. Are you going to take responsibilty when they get hurt, endanger others or lose their lives? And the one about the “help me” sign in the back window is truly in poor taste. It wouldn’t be so bad if everyone would take these ideas just as a laugh, but you know they won’t. Be responsible.


    • Nakita
      April 24, 2013 @ 8:08 am

      Ligthen up


      • Bruce
        October 14, 2015 @ 7:26 am

        Just got back from AK and had a chance to view this mciretpseae in all its glory. What an awesome film. You really killed this with a trident and stabbed it right in the heart of awesomeness. Well done my friend, well done.


    • Isa
      October 14, 2015 @ 6:34 am

      Monica, Jefferson was from Wonderland, which was a whole different world from FTL, and the curse atffceed him differently than it did anyone else. He always remembered who he was. So maybe his daughter might not have been atffceed in the same way everyone else was maybe she didn’t wake up when the curse was broken??The scene with Jefferson left a lot of unanswered questions. Why did his car turn over? Where was he going when he crashed? Why did he have the tea set and the stuffed bunny? Why did he run away from David? I’m leaning towards thinking that someone kidnapped Pinocchio while he was still immobilized though he may have turned all the way back into a man and walked out himself.Robin, I agree the episode was creepy, but I thought it was good kind of creepy. Tara and Princess Donna I’m going to agree more with Tara here. I think that David/Prince Charming is a relatively bland character. I think the evil characters Rumpel and Regina are the most vivid in the show, followed by the kick-ass Snow. I do find the new, feistier David more interesting than the pre-curse-breaking David the new David is not as swashbuckling as the FTL Prince and not as cowardly as the old David, but something of a combination of the two. I also like the way he’s become a reluctant leader which reminds me of some aspects of LOST (I may write more about that later). But even the new David is not as fascinating to me as Rumpel, Regina, and Snow and that may have something to do with the acting, I think Josh Dallas is doing a good job, but Robert Carlyle, Lana Parrilla, and Ginnifer Goodwin take it to a whole other level.


  9. LyTTLE
    October 12, 2009 @ 10:54 am

    This would be fun.


    • Balah
      October 14, 2015 @ 6:53 am

      I had no idea how to answer the poll bscauee quite honestly I just found this episode really creepy. Probably the creepiest ONCE episode I have ever seen.This was mostly due to the interations between Rum and Regina in FTL. I can’t be the only one who was a little uncomfortable during that, right? Also the end with Cora was also creepy and just Cora in general. And Regina killing Snow in her imagination. I don’t know, I was just really creeped out.However I also felt really bad for Gina and Gold in SB. Gina bscauee she does love Henry, and I hate that he can’t love her as much. Gold bscauee I think we can all agree he wants to get out of SB and find Bae and now well This episode was really weird. I’m really not sure what to think of it at this point, I’m going to have to watch it a few more times, I think.


  10. Kittyluvr
    October 12, 2009 @ 10:51 am

    Gotta try some of these at my next long trip. would be fun. A good one tho, is when your in the passinger seat, and the driver comes to a safe slow stop, you bounce back and forth off the dash and seat and then flop aside like it was teh fastest stop ever. Or when the driver goes to pull away slowly from somewhere, push yourself into the seat like the driver is going Mach 1. Wave your arms like a madman like the force is too fast.


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