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  1. Austin
    March 20, 2018 @ 11:09 am

    I grew up in New York City and know nothing about farming. I assumed those red things on the chickens heads showed that they were male chickens. Is that so? If my assumption is correct, these are not raised for eggs right?
    Another thought occurred to me. If there are hawks or eagles in this area do they not prey on the chickens?


  2. Love
    February 7, 2016 @ 3:04 pm

    Wow that is A lot of Chickens! They were still coming out the barn house. I agree this is the right way to raise chickens or any animals. Lots of room for them to roam around and enjoy life. I was wondering the same thing. How do they get all the chickens back in. Amazing and educational video. God’s amazing creation. Thank you!


    February 7, 2016 @ 12:21 pm

    THIS is the RIGHT way for farmers to raise their chickens and produce the healthiest eggs & meat for consumers!
    I ALWAYS look for ‘FREE RANGE’ on my egg cartons! ~ IF ENOUGH people would do the same then they just might send a $$$$$$$ message to those farmers that confine these poor birds to a crowded CAGE, for LIFE without ever seeing sunlight or breathing fresh country air!!!


    • Barb
      February 7, 2016 @ 2:15 pm

      I agree with Emircitna .. This is how they should be raised . I want to know how do they get them back to there housing after a day of roaming .. Awesome looking birds ..


      • Fern
        February 7, 2016 @ 3:01 pm

        It`s the chickens natural instinct to go inside when it gets dark. With my chickens, they go inside the coop when it gets dark. When they are chicks you have to train them, but after a couple of weeks they learn aaand go inside on their own.


        • Love
          February 7, 2016 @ 3:15 pm

          Oh ok. That is amazing.


        • Graywolf12
          February 7, 2016 @ 3:41 pm

          Mine had a leader. She would give the signal and the rest would line up behind her to march into the coop.


    • Love
      February 7, 2016 @ 3:11 pm

      What do the free range egg cartoons look like in the store? or what brand is it? I always bought the white box that says, Farm Fresh Egg Land’s Best. My dad have chickens and the eggs taste better than the Farm Fresh Egg Land’s Best. Since winter season the chickens egg count has been very few, so I have to buy my eggs from the store.


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