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1 Comment

  1. Penny
    June 11, 2021 @ 10:44 am

    This is probably the hardest I’ve laughed since signing up for your emails! I don’t know this fellow, how does he know me so well?!
    We do need to be able to laugh at ourselves. I will be sending this to my 53 year old 6’4″son so he can see it’s not just his Italian, shrinking
    mother who comes across this way! (although he probably won’t take the time to watch it all!) As we say to those much younger than we are, “just wait ’til you get older”! And yes, I’m STILL working with Windows 7, I had to upgrade from Windows 95 a while ago!
    Thank you SO much for this clip. After I pass it along, I’m going to save it for myself for those days when I need a lift! It sure did work today!


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