i dont think the LORD IS MAD AT ME. because i was wrong and he forgave for saying.for it..HE is avery forgiveing GOD and he knows that deep down i didnt mean it..and he said FORGIVE HER LORD.she did not mean to hurt antbody..
i seems you still use trash..will you give it up..it was said out of angry i wasnt ment for you to get angry about…if it hurt you am sorry i said.it…you keep bringing it up..if i knew it was going to hurt so much i wouldnt of said.it..i dont rememeber saying to you..if i call you that you every right to get mad at .me…but i dint mean to hurt you..you are from what i said about you..is wrong..dont be angry at me because i was not to come out of my mouth..believe me when i say IM SORRY..
My Comment for 2009 still stands!!!!! Just want to add with the message Happy New Year 2011 To All ….May it bring You All …Peace, Love, Health, Wealth and Happiness And Good Luck!!!!!
Melony: You can be a redneck and still have enough
sense to give reverence to the LORD. The Bible
says EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW…. I don’t think the
SAVIOR found this funny. The fact that you do, and
you adamantly defend its humor tells me that you do
not understand CHRISTmas.
Therefore, why watch it? I assumed it was about
silly people with silly decorations, NOT BLASPHEMY
December 9, 2010 @ 10:22 pm
@Jean H–(about Sunshine) LOL! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to Everyone!
December 9, 2010 @ 1:40 pm
December 9, 2010 @ 9:44 am
i dont think the LORD IS MAD AT ME. because i was wrong and he forgave for saying.for it..HE is avery forgiveing GOD and he knows that deep down i didnt mean it..and he said FORGIVE HER LORD.she did not mean to hurt antbody..
December 9, 2010 @ 9:32 am
you are so right..you have no right to say that to any body.. i wish you all a very merry christmas and a heathly new year
December 9, 2010 @ 9:29 am
i seems you still use trash..will you give it up..it was said out of angry i wasnt ment for you to get angry about…if it hurt you am sorry i said.it…you keep bringing it up..if i knew it was going to hurt so much i wouldnt of said.it..i dont rememeber saying to you..if i call you that you every right to get mad at .me…but i dint mean to hurt you..you are from what i said about you..is wrong..dont be angry at me because i was not to come out of my mouth..believe me when i say IM SORRY..
December 8, 2010 @ 10:55 am
December 8, 2010 @ 4:55 am
I wish u all a Merry Xmas and a Prosperous and wonderful new year in advance…… Have a great day……
December 8, 2010 @ 4:46 am
My Comment for 2009 still stands!!!!! Just want to add with the message Happy New Year 2011 To All ….May it bring You All …Peace, Love, Health, Wealth and Happiness And Good Luck!!!!!
December 8, 2010 @ 12:07 am
December 7, 2010 @ 11:31 pm
Melony: You can be a redneck and still have enough
sense to give reverence to the LORD. The Bible
says EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW…. I don’t think the
SAVIOR found this funny. The fact that you do, and
you adamantly defend its humor tells me that you do
not understand CHRISTmas.
Therefore, why watch it? I assumed it was about
silly people with silly decorations, NOT BLASPHEMY