Ultimate Guard Dog Weighs 200lbs
A DOG breeder from California claims to have resurrected a breed of giant guard dogs, weighing 200lbs. Marcus Curtis, 45, of Riverside, is the proud owner of a 212-pound monster ‘American Molossus’ dog named ‘Old World Sasquatch’. The 18-month-old beast is the result of Marcus’ mission to bring back what he calls the ‘Old World Molossus’ breed; dogs which are said to have guarded the leaders of the ancient world around 5000BC. Marcus told Barcroft Studios: “When people see Sasquatch, jaws drop. People are in shock and amazement when they see these giant beasts.” Marcus now sells ‘American Molossus puppies’ for five thousand dollars, but there’s a long waiting list for one of the rare pups. What did you think? Please leave a comment in the section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
March 20, 2019 @ 2:30 pm
That is a big dog and have that the Molossus are very great dogs. That price is high because of the bloodline. Wonder if the Humane Society have puppies. Would be great to raise one from puppy to adult
March 20, 2019 @ 8:06 am
There is no way I’d pay that kind of money for a dog. If I was getting a dog, I’d adopt one from Humane Society.