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  1. steven chambers
    August 23, 2010 @ 1:44 am

    i worry more cause theres actually idiots that agree with these people.


  2. selena
    May 26, 2010 @ 1:03 pm

    me aint stuped 0:


  3. Shammy
    May 5, 2010 @ 8:38 am

    I guess I shd sue for making me laugh till my sides ache, n my bf would sue for taking care of me while the pain lasted lol


    • Peter
      October 14, 2015 @ 7:11 am

      Tom & Heike,We ove the nightly upaetds and know you are tired each night from driving long distances! It seems like just yesterday you were here in Arizona and now 4,000 miles later your all the way Northeast . Safe travels, have fun and we look forward to more sights from the open roads across America.Kris


    • Mehmet
      November 10, 2015 @ 10:35 pm

      Oh my gosh!! I feel so good that I wasn’t the only one. Except, we had the Holocaust game in our middle sohcol. No one seems to believe that ANY teachers would be stupid enough to do this. But it happens. And when you tell 8th graders they are allowed to torture each other, it’s a recipe for disaster.I was on the oppressed side, so our team lead some revolts that involved secretly putting nasty notes on the Superior backpacks and then pinning it on a popular kid who used to make fun of us so we could watch him be publicly executed. You would think they would learn from Zimbardo


  4. Goober
    May 4, 2010 @ 8:47 am

    I agree with Miche…the world would be a better place if people wouldn’t be so greedy…the next idea for someone is suing the people who created the internet because all they do is sit in front of computer all day and play games and that they aren’t healthy anymore because the internet is so addicting it’s keeping them from going outside and having a real social life! Sorry but the only way I would sue someone is if it were truly necessary


  5. Dee
    April 26, 2010 @ 8:02 am

    Hi folks, i think the lawyers who help in these lawsuits rather need their heads examined; they are the ones with no integrity and help these individuals with their stupid law suites


  6. Warning Coke machines can Kill You, cause your funeral!|R Brian Burkhardt | R.Brian Burkhardt
    April 20, 2010 @ 8:46 am

    […] via […]


    • Vilma
      October 14, 2015 @ 7:30 am

      I don’t own a kindle. I have a Sony redaer that’s nearly 4 years old. As soon as I got it I loved it. I love the idea of having my entire library at my fingertips. I love that I can carry hundred of books with me wherever I go. What I soon discovered, which I don’t love, is the prices. They promised lower prices than traditional books, but I quickly found that the prices weren’t that much lower. I recently got a smart phone and I use the kindle app on it a lot. I download a lot of free books, and really cheap books. I rarely even splurge anymore when a book come out in one of the series I love. However, I must admit that there are to series for which I just can’t help myself and I will pay the prices, even if I don’t like them.


  7. Miche
    April 14, 2010 @ 12:24 pm

    I people would stop trying to get something for nothing,,,and live rightously in peace and harmony with others,,,the world would be a better place…


  8. Juliet
    April 14, 2010 @ 11:08 am

    Stupid lawsuits indeed! infact dis lawsuits cannot work in Naija o! They are just making money in d name of freedom. I trust Naiaja to frustrate their efforts. They are really lucky!


    • Bilir
      November 10, 2015 @ 10:28 pm

      I like the new comers: Patricia Hinnant, who’s been aendntitg school board meetings for 12 years, and Kyle Williams, a 22 year old Pennsauken High School graduate that sees things from a different perspective. Also, I would like to see Stephanie James Wilson return, who’s up on the educational needs of the kids but not into the political control & conflicts of interest like Danny O’Brien & Allyson Meloni. I don’t know much about Carlos Rodgriguez except that he’s an architect that was involved with the new Water Commission building on Westfield Ave. BUT I’ll make my final decision after I see how they answer the questions posed by the Pennsauken Republican Club.


  9. tony
    April 9, 2010 @ 9:47 pm

    Yeah i think this freedom stuff in America is kinda making some folks stupid. damn i wish i was an American i will sue my gf for loving me too much which has let to me trying so hard not to break her heart depriving me from having fun with other girls. stupid dumb assholes.


  10. BenG
    April 9, 2010 @ 12:58 pm

    Kind a sounds like something Obama would do to spread the wealth Oh yes were any of these people in Congress


    • Suzanna
      October 14, 2015 @ 7:34 am

      Hi Daveman,This question may be a litlte off-topic, Before this 12 months, U.S. Attorney Typical Eric Holder refused to prosecute members of the Black Panthers who dressed in paramilitary garb outside a Philadelphia polling place very last November. The males have been brandishing evening sticks, pointing them at citizens, and producing racial threats. In the first week of January, the Justice Department filed a civil lawsuit towards the New Black Panther Get together and a few of its members, declaring they violated the 1965 Voting Rights Act by scaring voters with the weapon, uniforms and racial slurs. In Would probably, Holder’s Justice Department, versus the hints and tips of it truly is very own attorneys, dropped the lawsuit, even though the defendants crafted no response, which means Justice would have won by default.Thanks


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