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  1. Janet
    May 16, 2019 @ 2:30 pm

    I’ve watched this skit several times and can someone please tell me what Vicky said. I just can’t catch it and would love to know. It was one of the funniest skits they did on that show. Whatever it was she said, they all lost it completely and fell apart they laughed so hard.


    • Brenda
      May 20, 2019 @ 3:55 pm

      Me too I cannot understand her!


  2. Father Jim Modeen
    May 16, 2019 @ 11:38 am

    Just wonderful! I know Tim tried to break up the other cast members! Mama had the last word on the elephant skit! Tim will be missed!


  3. Shirley Vaughn
    November 12, 2017 @ 1:23 pm

    Has to be one of the funniest skits of all time.


  4. Evi Seidman
    March 4, 2017 @ 9:42 am

    And watching Tim “lose it” himself (as he did in this scene” is one of great joys!


  5. Evi Seidman
    March 4, 2017 @ 9:39 am

    Tim Conway’s mission in life was to explode the moment — with no regard for how things were “supposed” to go and even less regard for everybody’s straight face. He is my HERO! I didn’t realize it at the time, but when I was a kid I used to risk my allowance, a trip to the Principal’s Office, a whack on the butt, or having to rake up all the leaves in the front AND back yards to be just like Tim Conway!?


  6. sandy smith
    October 1, 2016 @ 11:37 am

    missing my Grama and all the laughs we had watching this show….simply the best!!!!!


  7. Carol Brett
    May 19, 2016 @ 6:13 am

    Somebody has GOT to post the Tim and Harvey skit where Tim is the dentist trying to administer freezing to Harvey but keeps sticking himself with the needle. That has got to be the funniest of all time.


  8. Love
    February 24, 2016 @ 7:37 pm

    Carol Burnett part at the end was too funny. Where did that voice come from? Lol.


    • Ellen Hinds
      May 16, 2019 @ 11:00 am

      THis was one of the funniest scripts. Just watching Tim, Carol Burnett, Vicky Lawrence and Harvey . Laughing at Tim it was so special. I could not stop laughing watching it again. Tim Conway is one of the funniest people on TV. He will be mixed. Hugs wonderful dense of humor is so rare. Rest In Peace, Tim Conway.


  9. Gloria Walz
    February 24, 2016 @ 12:22 pm

    We don’t have comedians any more that can make us laugh like these do. It’s hard to watch Momma and Dick to see their reactions when keeping my eyes on the two best.


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