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  1. Mimi reker
    October 26, 2019 @ 12:39 pm

    I really enjoyed this presentation!
    It is sooo true!


  2. rand Jooe
    October 24, 2019 @ 9:52 am

    I’m From The ‘Baby-Boomers’ (1951) Generation
    When I did good I didn’t get smacked, I was expected to ‘do good’ cause that’s the way things were. (got smacked when bad)
    When I got good grades I didn’t get grounded & smacked, I was expected to get good grades.
    When I participated in sports I didn’t get a medal or trophy for ‘participation’; ONLY WINNERS Received Awards. (i was expected to congratulate winners)
    When I found a purse., wallet, jewelry, cash, anything of value that didn’t belong to me I was expected to take it to the closest police station for the ‘Rightful Owners’ to retrieve, when they discovered their loss. (Yes I took a twenty into police station and the lady gave me $2 reward, minimum wage was $.45/hr back then.
    I was told I could have ‘anything I wanted (within reason) if I busted my arse and got a few lucky breaks. The other side of that coin; if I didn’t get millions then be happy with what I had and take care of what I received!
    LIFE is NOT PERFECT & Not Everybody Gets EveryThing They Want!!


  3. Arthur Blassingame
    October 24, 2019 @ 8:03 am

    I belong to the Great Generation born April 1940. I will be sending this to person(s) in later classification because it is truly sobering and well put together. A terrific starting point and I just trust we as humans, can establish a universal acceptable standard to satisfy the majority. This will be the real challenge.


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